#!/bin/bash #set -x source ~/env_Multi_atlas.sh local=`pwd -P` if [ 1 == 0 ]; then login=`whoami` hostname=`hostname` if [ ${hostname:0:5} = cicla ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl dthredds=thredds-su.ipsl.fr/thredds/fileServer/ipsl_thredds HTML00=http://${dthredds}/$login machine=ciclad fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = spiri ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl dthredds=thredds-su.ipsl.fr/thredds/fileServer/ipsl_thredds HTML00=http://${dthredds}/$login machine=spirit fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = camel ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = irene ] ; then DODSDIR= fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = jean- ] ; then DODSDIR= fi fi comp=$1 MULTIDIR=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/MultiSimu COMP_D=$MULTIDIR/$comp PCMDI_D=$COMP_D/PCMDI # html pour les métriques cat $COMP_D/entete.html doc_pcmdi.html >| $COMP_D/PCMDI.html ref=`echo $listsimss | awk ' { print $1 } '` echo "

Metrics with respect to forced-by-SST AMIP multi model

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html cat $PCMDI_D/rms_xyt-CMIP5_AMIP-metrics.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html echo "

Metrics with respect to coupled CMIP5 simulations (historical)

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html cat $PCMDI_D/rms_xyt-CMIP5_historical-metrics.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html echo "

Metrics with respect to IPSLCM5A-LR (clim A verifier)

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html cat $PCMDI_D/rms_xyt-AR4-metrics.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html #bias_xy-AR4-metrics.html bias_xy-CMIP5_historical-metrics.html cor_xyt-CMIP5_AMIP-metrics.html rms_xyt-AR4-metrics.html rms_xyt-CMIP5_historical-metrics.html #bias_xy-CMIP5_AMIP-metrics.html cor_xyt-AR4-metrics.html cor_xyt-CMIP5_historical-metrics.html rms_xyt-CMIP5_AMIP-metrics.html