#!/bin/bash source ~/env_Multi_atlas.sh #A REFAIRE local=`pwd -P` if [ 1 == 0 ]; then login=`whoami` hostname=`hostname` if [ ${hostname:0:5} = cicla ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl dthredds=thredds-su.ipsl.fr/thredds/fileServer/ipsl_thredds HTML00=https://${dthredds}/$login machine=ciclad fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = spiri ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl dthredds=thredds-su.ipsl.fr/thredds/fileServer/ipsl_thredds HTML00=https://${dthredds}/$login machine=spirit fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = camel ] ; then DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = irene ] ; then DODSDIR= fi if [ ${hostname:0:5} = jean- ] ; then DODSDIR= fi fi runstxt=$local/runs.txt PREF_F=$DODSDIR dthredds=thredds-su.ipsl.fr/thredds/fileServer/ipsl_thredds #PREF_W=http\://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr/thredds/fileServer/IPSLFS PREF_W=http\://${dthredds} MULTIDIR=$PREF_F/$login/lmdz/MultiSimu #BASE_D=/home/fabric/users/dcugnet BASE_D=$local/LMA OUT_D=/prodigfs/$login/LMDZ6/AXE2/LMA_LMDZ #TS_DA=$PREF_F/fabric/lmdz/TS_DA #=== CHECK WETHER REQUIRED ARGUMENT HAS IS PRESENT if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "This script needs a single argument: the comparison name" echo " (the name of the folder containing the def.txt file)" exit fi comp=$1 #=== CHECK WETHER GIVEN ARGUMENT IS VALID COMP_D=$MULTIDIR/$comp if [ ! -f $COMP_D/def.txt ]; then echo "Nonexisting comparison file $COMP_D/def.txt"; exit fi #=== SOME MORE PATHS/FILES AXE_D=$COMP_D/AXE2; if [ ! -d $AXE_D/AXE2 ]; then mkdir -p $AXE_D/AXE2; fi FIG_D=$AXE_D/METRICS #--- FIGURES STORAGE PATH headf=$COMP_D/entete.html #--- HTML PAGES HEADER compf=$COMP_D/lma2.html #--- GENERATED HTML PAGE if [ ! -d $FIG_D ]; then mkdir -p $FIG_D; fi AXE_W=$(echo $AXE_D | sed -e "s%$PREF_F%$PREF_W%") FIG_W=$(echo $FIG_D | sed -e "s%$PREF_F%$PREF_W%") webf=$AXE_W/lma.html PLOT_D=$BASE_D/LMA_LMDZ/$comp #=== GENERATE THE pdf FILES ; CONVERT THEM INTO png FILES cd $PLOT_D ./plot_lma.bash for f in `ls *.pdf`; do convert -density 600 $f -resample 600 $FIG_D/${f%.*}.png; done cd - 1> /dev/null #=== BUILD THE HTML PAGE boxes=($(ls $FIG_D/boxes_*.png)) modes=($(ls $FIG_D/modes_*.png)) cat $headf > $compf echo " " >> $compf echo "

Local Modes Analysis (LMA)

" >> $compf echo "
" >> $compf echo "
" >> $compf echo "" >> $compf for i in $(eval echo {1..${#boxes[@]}}); do box=${boxes[$((i-1))]}; mod=${modes[$((i-1))]} echo "" >> $compf echo "" >> $compf done echo "
" >> $compf echo $compf | sed -e "s%$PREF_F%$PREF_W%"