#set -vx source ~/env_Multi_atlas.sh module purge local=`pwd -P` cd $local echo REPERTOIRE LOCAL : $local echo '############################################################' echo 0/ gestion des options echo '############################################################' pcmdi_metrics=0 tuning_metrics=1 und=0 zon=1 html=1 atlas=0 #newatlas=0 atlas_cesmep=0 get=0 cmor=1 regdyn=0 lma=0 trmm=0 axe2=0 axe4=0 esmval2=0 reflcld_histo=0 vertcld_calipso=0 stations_day=0 stations_mth=0 qsub=0 mjo=0 river=0 dataref=1 ref=OBS echo ref=$ref lonmin=-180 lonmax=180 latmin=-90 latmax=90 pmin=1 # ./job_multi.sh -1D 0 -get 0 -atlas 0 -pcmdi 0 -tuning 0 -lma 0 -trmm 0 runstxt=$local/runs.txt while test -n "${1}"; do case $1 in -1D) und=$2 ; shift ;; -get) get=$2 ; shift ;; -cmor) cmor=$2 ; shift ;; -zon) zon=$2 ; shift ;; -atlas) atlas=$2 ; shift ;; -atlas_cesmep) atlas_cesmep=$2 ; shift ;; -pcmdi) pcmdi_metrics=$2 ; shift ;; -tuning) tuning_metrics=$2 ; shift ;; -runstxt) runstxt=$2 ; shift ;; -lma) lma=$2 ; shift ;; -trmm) trmm=$2 ; shift ;; -axe4) axe4=$2 ; shift ;; -axe2) axe2=$2 ; shift ;; -regdyn) regdyn=$2 ; shift ;; -esmval2) esmval2=$2 ; shift ;; -stations_day) stations_day=$2 ; shift ;; -stations_mth) stations_mth=$2 ; shift ;; -reflcld_histo) refld_histo=$2 ; shift ;; -vertcld_calipso) vertcld_calipso=$2 ; shift ;; -mjo) mjo=$2 ; shift ;; -river) river=$2 ; shift ;; -dataref) dataref=$2 ; shift ;; -lonmin) lonmin=$2 ; shift ;; -lonmax) lonmax=$2 ; shift ;; -latmin) latmin=$2 ; shift ;; -latmax) latmax=$2 ; shift ;; -pmin) pmin=$2 ; shift ;; -qsub) qsub=$2 ; shift ;; *) comp=$1 ;; esac shift done echo multi=$comp region: lonmin=$lonmin lonmax=$lonmax latmin=$latmin latmax=$latmax echo multi=$comp pmin: pmin=$pmin rm -f out.com$$ runstxt=$local/runs.txt echo runstxt= $runstxt echo qsub is $qsub echo DODSDIR : $DODSDIR if [ ! -d $MULTIDIR ] ; then mkdir -p $MULTIDIR ; fi if [ ! -d $MAIN_SE ] ; then mkdir -p $MAIN_SE ; fi if [ ! -d $MAIN_MO ] ; then mkdir -p $MAIN_MO ; fi if [ ! -d $MAIN_DA ] ; then mkdir -p $MAIN_DA ; fi COMP_D=$MULTIDIR/$comp DEF_FILE=$COMP_D/def.txt ; if [ ! -f $DEF_FILE ] ; then echo renseigner $DEF_FILE ; exit ; fi LOGD=$COMP_D/log ; mkdir -p $LOGD outfile=$LOGD/out$$ ; if [ -f ${outfile} ] ; then \rm -f $outfile ; fi echo Ecriture des logs dans $outfile ### #~/LMDZ/check/make_warning.sh $COMP_D ### nom2 listsims="" ; for s in `awk ' {print $1} ' $DEF_FILE | uniq` ; do listsims="$listsims $s" ; done #echo listsims $listsims listsims="" ; for s in `awk ' {print $1} ' $DEF_FILE | uniq` ; do listsims="$listsims $s" ; done echo listsims $listsims ### nom1, simdir for s in $listsims ; do ### simdir simdir=`grep -w "^$s " $runstxt | awk ' { print $2 } '` ### nom1 ss=`basename $simdir ` for year in `grep -w "^$s" $DEF_FILE | awk ' { print $2 } '` ; do file=${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${s}_SE_${year}_1M_histmth.nc echo $file $year if [ ! -f ${file} ]; then if [ -f ${simdir}/ATM/Analyse/SE/${ss}_SE_${year}_1M_histmth.nc ]; then ln -s ${simdir}/ATM/Analyse/SE/${ss}_SE_${year}_1M_histmth.nc $file elif [ "${ss}" == "UQLMDZ6A1000" ]; then echo NO need to ln -s; the *1M_histmth.nc does not exist anymore else \rm year.txt echo $year>>year.txt sed -i -e 's/_/ /' year.txt year1=`less year.txt | awk '{print $1}'` year2=`less year.txt | awk '{print $2}'` echo yr1=${year1} yr2=${year2} ls -l ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1230_1M_histmth.nc ls -l ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1231_1M_histmth.nc if [ -f ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1230_1M_histmth.nc ]; then ln -s ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1230_1M_histmth.nc $file elif [ -f ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1231_1M_histmth.nc ]; then ln -s ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${ss}_${year1}0101_${year2}1231_1M_histmth.nc $file fi fi fi #\rm ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/UQLMDZ6AW1000_SE_1979_1988_1M_histmth.nc done done #${local}/../check/mk_check-avail-data.sh ${comp} echo ### On supprime dans def.txt les lignes vides ######## sed -i "/^[ \t]*$/d" $DEF_FILE echo ### On teste d abord la coherence des noms des simulations dans def.txt et $runstxt ################ echo MULTI-ATLAS "$comp" for s in $listsims ; do srun=`grep -w "^$s " $runstxt | awk ' { print $1 } '` echo 's='"$s" ' srun=' "$srun" if [ "$s" != "$srun" ] ; then #echo Meme nom de la simulation dans def.txt et $runstxt 's=' "$s" ' srun=' "$srun" #else echo ATTENTION : la simulation "$s" de votre def.txt n est pas repertoriee dans $runstxt >${LOGD}/error_${comp} echo ou le meme nom est attribue a plusieures simulations >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} echo Il faut la rajouter dans $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} echo avec le chemin vers les SE et TS dans ciclad : /thredds/ipsl/fabric/IGCM_OUT >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} echo ou renomer votre simulation >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} more ${LOGD}/error_${comp} exit fi echo Checking if $s simulation is referenced many times in runs.txt #nrun=`./how_many_times_run.sh $s` #nrun=`./how_many_times_run.sh $srun` nrun=1 if [ "$nrun" != "1" ]; then echo Simulation $s est repertoriee ${nrun} fois dans $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} echo STOPping here >> ${LOGD}/error_${comp} more ${LOGD}/error_${comp} exit fi done listruns="" listrunss="" listrunse="" if [ ! -d $MAIN_SE/ORIG ] ; then mkdir -p $MAIN_SE/ORIG ; fi for s in $listsims ; do simdir=`grep -w "^$s " $runstxt | awk ' { print $2 } '` echo $simdir cd $MAIN_SE/ORIG ; echo $simdir ss=`basename $simdir ` listruns="$listruns $ss" for year in `grep -w "^$s" $DEF_FILE | awk ' { print $2 } '` ; do listrunss="$listrunss ${ss}_$year" listrune="$listrune ${ss}_SE_$year" done done ns=0 listsimss="" ; for ss in `awk ' {print $1"_"$2 } ' $DEF_FILE` ; do if [ $dataref = 0 ] ; then if [ ${ns} = 0 ] ; then ref=$ss echo ref=$ref fi fi let "ns = ${ns} + 1" listsimss="$listsimss $ss" ; done echo ref=$ref listsimse="" ; for se in `awk ' {print $1"_SE_"$2 } ' $DEF_FILE` ; do listsimse="$listsimse $se" ; done echo listsims $listsims echo listsimss $listsimss echo listsimse $listsimse echo SIMULATIONS: $listsims RUNS="" RUNS=`awk ' {print $1"_"$2 } ' $DEF_FILE` echo listrunss=$RUNS echo '########################################################################' echo 1/ Rapatriement des simulations manquantes echo '########################################################################' #### AI avril 2020 ################ Avant l acces directe aux simulations sur le dods du CCRT # Adresses web ne sont plus a jours # A commenter les adresses web CCRT # A mettre a jours les adress web IDRIS # Rajouter d'autres machines avec rsynk, wget ou ssh ... if [ $get = 1 ] ; then cd $MAIN_SE for sim in $listsimss ; do echo ./getun.sh ${sim} >> $outfile 2>&1 ; ./getun.sh ${sim} ; done cd $TS_DA for sim in $listsimss ; do echo ./getun.sh ${sim} >> $outfile 2>&1 ; ./getun.sh ${sim} ; done cd $TS_MO for sim in $listsimss ; do echo ./getun.sh ${sim} >> $outfile 2>&1 ; ./getun.sh ${sim} ; done fi echo '########################################################################' echo 1.1/ Check des fichiers input et des variables demandees pour l atlas avec echo des exit si un des fichiers ou des variables ne sont pas accessibles echo '########################################################################' #IM TBC ${local}/../check/make_check_fin.sh $comp ${LOGD}/check_finput$$ 2>&1 if [ $cmor = 1 ] ; then cp cmor.sh $MAIN_SE/. cp season.sh $MAIN_SE/. cd $MAIN_SE chmod +x cmor.sh chmod +x season.sh ######################################################################### # 1.2 "Cmorisation des fichiers mensuels : traduction au format CMIP ######################################################################### # Deux lignes suivantes modif FH 2016/11/09 # Files are taken from /thredds/ipsl/fabric/lmdz/SE/ORIG and # results are in /thredds/ipsl/fabric/lmdz/SE/CMOR ######################################################################### echo cmor.sh : output dans ${LOGD}/cmor$$ ./cmor.sh -runsfile $runstxt $comp > ${LOGD}/cmor$$ 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then exit ; fi # Probleme de histmth non present. On arrete tout ######################################################################### # 1.3 Interpolate fields on a common horizontal grid (VLR) and ######################################################################### # average in time "YEAR", "JJA" ... # Results are put on # /thredds/ipsl/fabric/lmdz/VLR/YEAR/[SIMU_NAME]_[period]/NC # If wanting to rerun season.sh for observations : # ./season.sh -s OBS ######################################################################### cd $MAIN_SE echo season.sh : output dans ${LOGD}/season$$ ./season.sh -comp $comp > ${LOGD}/season$$ 2>&1 cd $local fi echo '########################################################################' echo 2/ Lancement des atlas manquant echo '########################################################################' natlas=`wc -l $COMP_D/atlas-def | awk ' { print $1 } '` count_atlas=0 if [ $atlas = 1 ] ; then #if [ $newatlas = 1 ]; then #sed -e 's/COMPAR/'${comp}'/' ${local}/atlas/make_atlas.sh > ${local}/atlas/make_atlas_${comp}.sh #$submit -v COMP=${comp},DATAREF=${dataref} ${local}/atlas/make_atlas_${comp}.sh #./make_timecount.sh ${comp} #else for sim in $listsimss ; do il=1 if [ ! -f $COMP_D/atlas-def ] ; then echo Definir les atlas a construire dans $COMP_D/atlas-def echo Example : cat $COMP_D/../CMIP5to6/atlas-def fi while [ $il -le $natlas ] ; do line=`sed -n -e ${il}p $COMP_D/atlas-def` seas=`echo $line | awk ' { print $1 } '` proj=`echo $line | awk ' { print $2 } '` vars=`echo $line | awk ' { print $3 } '` atlas=${sim}+${seas}+${proj}+$vars cd ${local}/atlas varg=`echo $vars | sed -e 's/,/+/g'` echo Atlas $atlas a creer if [ $qsub = 0 ] ; then echo bash ${local}/atlas/atlas.sh RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=$ref,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin bash ${local}/atlas/atlas.sh RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=$ref,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin >> $outfile if [ "$ref" != "OBS" ]; then echo bash ${local}/atlas/atlas.sh RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=OBS,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin bash ${local}/atlas/atlas.sh RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=OBS,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin >> $outfile fi else echo $submit -v RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=$ref,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin atlas.sh >> ${LOGD}/ATLAS$$ 2>&1 $submit -v RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=$ref,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin atlas.sh if [ "$ref" != "OBS" ]; then echo $submit -v RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=OBS,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin atlas.sh >> ${LOGD}/ATLAS$$ 2>&1 $submit -v RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=OBS,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt,lonmin=$lonmin,lonmax=$lonmax,latmin=$latmin,latmax=$latmax,pmin=$pmin atlas.sh fi fi (( count_atlas = $count_atlas + 1 )) (( il = $il + 1 )) done done if [ $count_atlas != 0 ] ; then echo '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' echo Les atlas manquant ont ete lances. Attendre leur echo creation pour relancer job_multi.sh echo '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' # exit fi #fi #newatlas fi #atlas # atlas_cesmep : cles pour activer les nouveau atlas (C-ESM-EP) # AI avril 2020 : Passage a la version v2 de C-ESM-EP # FH Juin 2022 : Passage a la version v3 de C-ESM-EP (changement de prodigfs en thredds) if [ $atlas_cesmep = 1 ] ; then cd ~/LMDZ/C-ESM-EP ./AtlasLMDZ.sh -runsfile $runstxt $comp >> ${LOGD}/CESMEP$$ 2>&1 fi # atlas_cesmep echo '########################################################################' echo 3/ Calcul des moyennes zonales nco echo '#####################################################################' #trace moy.zonale OBS + multi-simulations if [ $zon = 1 ] ; then cd $local mkdir -p $COMP_D/ZON for sim in $listsimse OBS ; do echo make_MOY for simulation $sim, log in ${LOGD}/MOY$$ years=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/_SE_/ /' | awk ' { print $2 } '` run=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/_SE_/ /' | awk ' { print $1 } '` echo ./make_MOY.sh "$years" YEAR "$run" GLOB ./make_MOY.sh "$years" YEAR "$run" GLOB >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" YEAR "$run" ZON >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" JJA "$run" ZON >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" DJF "$run" ZON >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" JJAS "$run" AMMACROSS >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" MAM "$run" ZON >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 ./make_MOY.sh "$years" SON "$run" ZON >> ${LOGD}/MOY$$ 2>&1 done cd $local ### ajout nuages LMDZ dans la compa et doit faire des liens symbol. sur #### les OBS calipso toujurs pour le moment echo mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh, log in ${LOGD}/calipso$$ ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh YEAR ZON >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh DJF ZON >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh JJA ZON >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh JJAS AMMACROSS >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh MAM ZON >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 ./mk_clouds_NOcalipso.sh SON ZON >> ${LOGD}/calipso$$ 2>&1 echo multi_ZONE.sh, log in ${LOGD}/Z$$ ./multi_ZONE.sh YEAR $comp ZON -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 ./multi_ZONE.sh JJA $comp ZON -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 ./multi_ZONE.sh DJF $comp ZON -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 ./multi_ZONE.sh JJAS $comp AMMACROSS -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 ./multi_ZONE.sh MAM $comp ZON -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 ./multi_ZONE.sh SON $comp ZON -runsfile $runstxt >> ${LOGD}/Z$$ 2>&1 fi if [ ! -f $COMP_D/1D/1D.html -a $und = 1 ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 4/ Lancement du 1D echo '#####################################################################' cd $COMP_D echo log in ${LOGD}/1D$$ ~/LMDZ/1D/serie1d.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/1D$$ 2>&1 cd $local fi if [ $tuning_metrics = 1 -a ! -d $COMP_D/METRICS ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 5.1/ Metriques LMD : $tuning_metrics echo '#####################################################################' echo metrics.sh, log in ${LOGD}/METRICS$$ cd $local/METRICS echo ./metrics.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/METRICS$$ 2>&1 ./metrics.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/METRICS$$ 2>&1 fi if [ $pcmdi_metrics = 1 ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 5.2/ Metriques PCMDI : $pcmdi_metrics echo '#####################################################################' cd $local ./make_pcmdi.sh $comp fi if [ $regdyn = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 6/ Sorting by dynamical regimes : $regdyn echo '#####################################################################' cd ~/users/musat/regdyn/clean_regdyn ./mk_all_regdyn.sh $comp 0 > ${LOGD}/REGDYN$$ 2>&1 cd $local fi if [ $esmval2 = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 7/ ESMvalTool : $esmval2 echo '#####################################################################' cd $local ./cvdp4atlas.sh $comp ./perfm4atlas.sh $comp fi if [ $mjo = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 8.1/ Rainfall variability / MJO diagnostics : $mjo echo '#####################################################################' cd ~/users/idelkadi/MJO ./make_diagnosMJO.sh $comp fi if [ $river = 1 ]; then cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE1/River ./make_diagnoRiver.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/out_river fi if [ $lma = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 8.2/ Rainfall variability / LMA analysis of the MJO : $lma echo '#####################################################################' cd ${local}/d_AXE2_LMA/ bash ./make_LMA.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/LMA$$ 2>&1 echo ./make_LMA.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/LMA$$ 2>&1 cd ${local} fi if [ $axe2 = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 8.3/ Rainfall variability / metrics echo '#####################################################################' cd $local bash make_axe2.sh -runstxt $runstxt $comp > ${LOGD}/axe2_$$ 2>&1 echo make_axe2.sh -runstxt $runstxt $comp '-->' ${LOGD}/axe2_$$ fi if [ $trmm = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 8.4/ Rainfall variability / Marine Bonazzola : $trmm echo '#####################################################################' cd ${local}/d_AXE2 bash ./Axe2_Marine.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/axe2_Marine_$$ 2>&1 echo ./Axe2_Marine.sh $comp '-->' ${LOGD}/axe2_Marine_$$ 2>&1 cd $local fi if [ $river = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 9/ River discharges echo '#####################################################################' cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE1/River ./make_diagnoRiver.sh $comp fi if [ $axe4 = 1 ]; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 10/ Poles echo '#####################################################################' cd $local bash ./make_axe4.sh $comp > ${LOGD}/axe4_$$ 2>&1 echo make_axe4.sh $comp '-->' ${LOGD}/axe4_$$ fi if [ "$reflcld_histo" = "1" ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 11/ reflcld_histo : $reflcld_histo echo '#####################################################################' cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/CldReflCldFrac ./make_scatReflCld.sh $comp cd $local fi if [ $vertcld_calipso = 1 ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 12/ Calipso : $vertcld_calipso echo '#####################################################################' cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/Calipso/CoupeVerticale/DJF ./make_VerticalMzCldCalipso.sh $comp cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/Calipso/CoupeVerticale/JJA ./make_VerticalMzCldCalipso.sh $comp cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/Calipso/CoupeVerticale/MAM ./make_VerticalMzCldCalipso.sh $comp cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/Calipso/CoupeVerticale/SON ./make_VerticalMzCldCalipso.sh $comp cd ~/users/idelkadi/AXE3/Calipso/Stratos ./make_StratosCalipso.sh $comp fi if [ $stations_day = 1 ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 13/ Stations echo '#####################################################################' ~/users/Binta/bibi.sh $comp ~/users/cheruy/bibi.sh $comp fi if [ $stations_mth = 1 ] ; then ~/users/traore/SE_buoy.sh $comp fi if [ $html = 1 ] ; then echo '#####################################################################' echo 14/ generation des pages html echo '#####################################################################' cd ${local} echo ./make_html_libigcm.sh --comp $comp --runstxt $runstxt bash ./make_html_libigcm.sh --comp $comp --runstxt $runstxt > ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 echo log in ${LOGD}/html$$ bash ./html_entete.sh $comp ${ref} >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 cd ${local}/html bash ./make_index_html.sh ${comp} ${dataref} >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 cd $local bash ./html_tuning.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_tuning_min.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_accueil.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_1D.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_lma.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html_LMA$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_pcmdi.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 bash ./html_all.sh >| $MULTIDIR/all.html # html pour les métriques # cat $COMP_D/entete.html doc_pcmdi.html >| $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # ref=`echo $listsimss | awk ' { print $1 } '` # echo "

Metrics with respect to $ref

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # cat $COMP_D/pcmdi_metrics.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # echo "

Metrics with respect to AR4.00

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # cat $COMP_D/metrics-AR4-as-ref.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # echo "

Metrics with respect to CMIP5/AMIP multi model

" >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html # cat $COMP_D/metrics-CMIP5-AMIP-as-ref.html >> $COMP_D/PCMDI.html for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do ./html_axe$i.sh $comp >> ${LOGD}/html$$ 2>&1 done echo Multi atlas, log in ${LOGD}/multiatlas$$ for proj in GLOB SH NH ; do for bias in BIAS MAPS ; do for season in YEAR DJF JJA MAM SON ; do ./multi_atlas.sh $comp $bias $season $proj $ref $RUNS >> ${LOGD}/multiatlas$$ 2>&1 done done done cd $local ./webpage_multi.sh $comp fi echo UN NOVEL MULTI ATLAS EST DISPONIBLE sur $COMP_D/ACCUEIL.html