dirpng=${DODSDIR}/${login}/lmdz/VLR if [ ${hostname:0:5} = cicla ] ; then ######################################################################################################## # Environnement module purge module load netcdf4/ cdo/1.6.8 nco/4.5.2 ncl/6.3.0 ulimit -s unlimited export PYTHONPATH=:/opt/canopy-1.3.0/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/python:/home/igcmg/prodiguer-client:/home/fabric/users/denvil/climaf:/home/fabric/users/denvil/climaf export PATH=$PATH:/home/fabric/users/denvil/climaf/bin STORAGE=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/STORE \rm -rf $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ mkdir -p $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ export CLIMAF_CACHE=$DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ echo CLIMAF_CACHE $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ MULTIDIR=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/MultiSimu DIRATLAS=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/atlas ######################################################################################################## ATLAS_DIR=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/atlas/Atlas$$ if [ ! -d $DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/atlas/Atlas$$ ] ; then mkdir -p $DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/atlas/Atlas$$ ; fi fi if [ $# = 0 ] ; then echo ARG=0 comp=$COMP dataref=$DATAREF fi echo comp=$comp echo dataref=$dataref Dhtml=/thredds/ipsl/${login}/lmdz/MultiSimu/${comp}/ATLAS mkdir -p ${Dhtml} local=`pwd -P` runstxt=$local/runs.txt login=${login} DODSDIR=/thredds/ipsl echo DODSDIR : $DODSDIR MAIN_SE=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/SE TS_DA=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/TS_DA TS_MO=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/TS_MO MULTIDIR=$DODSDIR/$login/lmdz/MultiSimu COMP_D=$MULTIDIR/$comp ### DEF_FILE=$COMP_D/def.txt ; if [ ! -f $DEF_FILE ] ; then echo renseigner $DEF_FILE ; exit ; fi RUNS="" RUNS=`awk ' {print $1"_"$2 } ' $DEF_FILE` echo $RUNS ### definir la reference par rapport au flag if [ $dataref = 1 ]; then ref=OBS fi echo ref is $ref ns=0 listsimss="" ; for ss in `awk ' {print $1"_"$2 } ' $DEF_FILE` ; do if [ $dataref = 0 ] ; then if [ ${ns} = 0 ] ; then ref=$ss echo ref is $ref fi fi let "ns = ${ns} + 1" listsimss="$listsimss $ss" ; done for sim in $RUNS; do echo sim=$sim echo sim $sim srun=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//'` echo srun $srun simdir=`grep -w "^$srun " $runstxt | awk ' { print $2 } '` echo $sim $srun $simdir run=`basename $simdir ` years=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/'$srun'//' | sed -e 's/_//'` sim=${run}_${years} echo ================================================================ echo la commande suivante echo ls -l $MAIN_SE/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc echo peut prendre beaucoup de temps lorsque echo l acces aux espaces du CCRT et/ou de l IDRIS thredds est lent ou si echo les espaces /thredds/tgcc et/ou /thredds/idris ne sont pas montes sur ciclad. echo On ne l utilise plus !!! echo ================================================================ ###ls -l ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc cd $ATLAS_DIR qsub=qsub submit=${qsub} natlas=`wc -l $COMP_D/atlas-def | awk ' { print $1 } '` echo $natlas count_atlas=0 atlas=1 il=1 if [ ! -f $COMP_D/atlas-def ] ; then echo Definir les atlas a construire dans $COMP_D/atlas-def echo Example : cat $COMP_D/../CMIP5to6/atlas-def fi while [ $il -le $natlas ] ; do line=`sed -n -e ${il}p $COMP_D/atlas-def` seas=`echo $line | awk ' { print $1 } '` proj=`echo $line | awk ' { print $2 } '` vars=`echo $line | awk ' { print $3 } '` atlas=${sim}+${seas}+${proj}+$vars varg=`echo $vars | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` if [ $qsub = 0 ] ; then ./atlas.sh RUN=$sim,SEASON=$seas,PROJ=$proj,OUTDIR=$COMP_D/ATLAS,REF=$ref,VARS="$varg",RUNSTXT=$runstxt else for var in $varg; do mkdir -p ${dirpng}/${seas}/${ref}/MAP if [ "${sim}" != "OBS" ]; then mkdir -p ${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/MAP mkdir -p ${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/DMAP_${ref} mapok=${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/MAP/${var}.pdf dmapok=${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/DMAP_${ref}/${var}.pdf if [ ! -f ${mapok} ] || [ ! -f ${dmapok} ]; then \rm -rf $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ if [ ! -d $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ ] ; then mkdir -p $DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ ; fi export CLIMAF_CACHE=$DODSDIR/$login/climafCache$$ datevar=`date` echo before python var=$var $datevar echo python /data/${login}/Multi_atlas/atlas/atlas_none.py -v ${var} -s ${sim} -t ${ref} -p ${seas} --dirpng ${dirpng} #IM : test si pres existe pour l interpolation des vars. 3D s/ des niveaux de pression if [ $var == ua ] || [ $var == va ] || [ $var == ta ] || [ $var == hur ] || [ $var == hus ]; then run=`basename $simdir ` echo sim=$sim echo sim $sim srun=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//'` echo srun $srun simdir=`grep -w "^$srun " $runstxt | awk ' { print $2 } '` echo $sim $srun $simdir run=`basename $simdir ` years=`echo $sim | sed -e 's/'$srun'//' | sed -e 's/_//'` sim=${run}_${years} if [ -f ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc ]; then CheckPres=`ncdump -c ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc|grep -i 'float pres('` echo MAIN_SE/ORIG ls -l ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc elif [ -f ${simdir}/ATM/Analyse/SE/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc]; then CheckPres=`ncdump -c ${simdir}/ATM/Analyse/SE/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc|grep -i 'float pres('` echo ATM/Analyse/SE ls -l ${MAIN_SE}/ORIG/${run}_SE_${years}_1M_histmth.nc else \rm years.txt echo $years > years.txt sed -i -e 's/_/ /' years.txt yrbegin=`more years | awk '{print $1}'` yrend=`more years | awk '{print $2}'` CheckPres=`ncdump -c ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${run}_${yrbegin}*_${yrend}*_1M_histmth.nc|grep -i 'float pres('` echo ls -l ATM/Output/MO ls -l ${simdir}/ATM/Output/MO/${run}_${yrbegin}*_${yrend}*_1M_histmth.nc fi if [ $CheckPres == ""]; then echo pres is not available in the input file, stop here! echo Modify atlas-def and launch multi-comparaison $comp again! exit fi fi python /data/${login}/Multi_atlas/atlas/atlas_none.py -v ${var} -s ${sim} -t ${ref} -p ${seas} --dirpng ${dirpng} datevar=`date` echo after python var=$var $datevar mv index_GLOB_${seas}_${sim}.html $Dhtml/. din=${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/MAP cd ${din} convert ${var}.pdf ${var}.png convert -size 1500x1000 xc:white ${var}.png -geometry 1440x890+30+30 -composite -trim -gravity North ${var}.png din=${dirpng}/${seas}/${sim}/DMAP_${ref} cd ${din} convert ${var}.pdf ${var}.png convert -size 1500x1000 xc:white ${var}.png -geometry 1440x890+30+30 -composite -trim -gravity North ${var}.png convert dmapzon${var}.pdf dmapzon${var}.png convert -size 1500x1000 xc:white dmapzon${var}.png -geometry 1440x890+30+30 -composite -trim -gravity North dmapzon${var}.png cd ${local} fi fi done fi (( count_atlas = $count_atlas + 1 )) (( il = $il + 1 )) done done exit