
Sep 9, 2019:

5:16 PM Ticket #100 (XIOS crash with "NetCDF: HDF error") closed by Ehouarn Millour
wontfix: After some investigations, it turns out the problem is neither in LMDZ …
5:10 PM Ticket #100 (XIOS crash with "NetCDF: HDF error") created by Ehouarn Millour
With XIOS the model crashes on Ada with XIOS (but not without), with …

Sep 5, 2019:

5:06 PM Changeset [3560] by Laurent Fairhead
Change in intel environnement on ada Processing AUTO in def/xml files
11:32 AM Changeset [3559] by Laurent Fairhead
Initial import of arch files for new Idris computer jean-zay
11:27 AM Changeset [3558] by Laurent Fairhead
First cleanup of arch file
10:59 AM Changeset [3557] by Laurent Fairhead
Initial arch files for new IDRIS computer jean-zay

Sep 4, 2019:

4:05 PM Changeset [4149] by jisesh
guided: Temperature,wind and pressure options and perturbation option …

Sep 3, 2019:

6:29 PM Changeset [3556] by lguez
1:56 PM Changeset [4148] by jisesh
guided: implemented temperature and wind nudging from DYNAMICO data
1:54 PM Changeset [4147] by jisesh
guided: implemented temperature and wind nudging from DYNAMICO data
10:18 AM Changeset [3555] by idelkadi
Correction d'erreur dans la routine qui gere les cles de sorties avec XIOS

Aug 22, 2019:

8:44 PM Changeset [3554] by oboucher
Atmospheric mass should be weighted by mesh area in the global sum.
8:42 PM Changeset [3553] by oboucher
Atmospheric mass should be weighted by mesh area in the global sum.
6:40 PM Changeset [3552] by oboucher
Correction of unit for aire
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.