
Jun 17, 2019:

4:35 PM Ticket #52 (readchlorophyll en OpenMP?) closed by Laurent Fairhead
fixed: Olivier Boucher a fait le nécessaire dans la révision r3298
4:31 PM Ticket #99 (Mettre les tendances en humidité relative) created by Laurent Fairhead
1:22 PM Ticket #98 (Intégration RCE) created by Laurent Fairhead
Intégrer les modifications de D. Coppin et de M. Popp pour faire …
1:13 PM Ticket #97 (Sorties XIOS dans la dynamique) created by Laurent Fairhead
Implémenter les sorties dans le coeur dynamique lonlat avec XIOS

Jun 13, 2019:

7:19 PM Changeset [3536] by oboucher
Setting up the new nucleation routine (compiles but not yet tested)
10:33 AM Changeset [3535] by yann meurdesoif
For unstructured grid (dynamico). A file can be used to impose land …

Jun 10, 2019:

9:19 PM Changeset [3534] by oboucher
Introducing new nucleation routine from Anni (not quite finished but …

Jun 7, 2019:

6:42 PM Changeset [3533] by oboucher
ajout de histdaystrataer pour les sorties journalières des variables …
2:40 PM Changeset [3532] by Laurent Fairhead
Forgot a return

Jun 6, 2019:

5:08 PM Changeset [3531] by Laurent Fairhead
Replaced STOP statements by a call to abort_physic in phylmd as per …
12:31 PM Changeset [4144] by jisesh
guided : Experiment job files and xml files

Jun 3, 2019:

12:00 PM Changeset [3530] by oboucher
Adding possibility for daily StratAer? outputs

May 30, 2019:

4:21 PM Changeset [3529] by oboucher
Removing some WRITEs as some could print a lot of useless info in the …
4:13 PM Changeset [3528] by oboucher
A little more cleaning with WRITEs
3:43 PM Changeset [3527] by oboucher
Cleaning up StratAer? for trunk version

May 28, 2019:

3:00 PM Changeset [3526] by Laurent Fairhead
Olivier's modifications + addition of Id keyword
2:52 PM Changeset [3525] by Laurent Fairhead
Modifs necessaires à la version 6.0.10 OB

May 27, 2019:

3:00 PM Changeset [4143] by dubos
guided : skeleton for guided experiments
2:48 PM Changeset [3524] by fhourdin
Correction pour le cas fire, salle en attendant le format commun ... …
2:41 PM Changeset [4142] by dubos
Created directory for guided configurations

May 24, 2019:

8:58 AM Changeset [3523] by fhourdin
Sortie specifique de iflag_con==3

May 22, 2019:

11:41 PM Changeset [3522] by oboucher
Call to initialisation of S3A model
11:40 PM Changeset [3521] by oboucher
Call for initialisation of S3A model
11:19 PM Changeset [3520] by oboucher
Looks like ok_volcan was inserted in the wrong location
11:05 PM Changeset [3519] by oboucher
looks like there was a small bug here on where ok_volcan was inserted
3:04 PM Changeset [3518] by Laurent Fairhead
Modifications needed as put_field call has changed
10:16 AM Changeset [3517] by idelkadi
Suite de l'implementation de la version 2 de Cosp dans LMDZ

May 21, 2019:

5:29 PM Changeset [3516] by Laurent Fairhead
Another redundant declaration
12:41 PM Changeset [3515] by Ehouarn Millour
Some corrections to the xml files: - remove redundant declarations in …

May 20, 2019:

2:42 PM Changeset [3514] by acozic
add possibility to use rrtm with inca even if we are not working with …
12:37 PM Changeset [3513] by fhourdin
Correction pour le 1D
11:39 AM Changeset [3512] by idelkadi
Implementation de la version cospv2 dans LMDZ (suite)
11:25 AM Changeset [3511] by idelkadi
Implementation de la version cospv2 dans LMDZ (suite)

May 18, 2019:

10:01 PM Changeset [3510] by oboucher
Adding definitions for aerosol mass mixing ratios (in kg/kg) based on …
9:56 PM Changeset [3509] by oboucher
Adding definitions for aerosol mass mixing ratios (kg/kg) based on …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.