module test_disvert_m implicit none contains subroutine test_disvert ! Author: Lionel GUEZ ! This procedure tests the order of pressure values at half-levels ! and full levels. We arbitrarily choose to test ngrid values of ! the surface pressure, which sample possible values on Earth. use exner_hyb_m, only: exner_hyb ! For llm: include "dimensions.h" ! For ap, bp, preff: ! include "comvert.h" ! For kappa, cpp: ! include "comconst.h" ! Local: integer l, i integer, parameter:: ngrid = 7 real p(ngrid, llm + 1) ! pressure at half-level, in Pa real pks(ngrid) ! exner function at the surface, in J K-1 kg-1 real pk(ngrid, llm) ! exner function at full level, in J K-1 kg-1 real ps(ngrid) ! surface pressure, in Pa real p_lay(ngrid, llm) ! pressure at full level, in Pa real delta_ps ! in Pa !--------------------- print *, "Call sequence information: test_disvert" delta_ps = 6e4 / (ngrid - 1) ps = (/(5e4 + delta_ps * i, i = 0, ngrid - 1)/) forall (l = 1: llm + 1) p(:, l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps call exner_hyb(ngrid, ps, p, pks, pk) p_lay = preff * (pk / cpp)**(1. / kappa) ! Are pressure values in the right order? if (any(p(:, :llm) <= p_lay .or. p_lay <= p(:, 2:))) then ! List details and stop: do l = 1, llm do i = 1, ngrid if (p(i, l) <= p_lay(i, l)) then print 1000, "ps = ", ps(i) / 100., "hPa, p(level ", l, & ") = ", p(i, l) / 100., " hPa <= p(layer ", l, ") = ", & p_lay(i, l) / 100., " hPa" end if if (p_lay(i, l) <= p(i, l + 1)) then print 1000, "ps = ", ps(i) / 100., "hPa, p(layer ", l, ") = ", & p_lay(i, l) / 100., " hPa <= p(level ", l + 1, ") = ", & p(i, l + 1) / 100., " hPa" end if end do end do call abort_gcm("test_disvert", "bad order of pressure values", 1) end if 1000 format (3(a, g10.4, a, i0)) end subroutine test_disvert end module test_disvert_m