========================================================= GETTING THE CODE ========================================================= You may create symlinks to your local version of DYNAMICO and/or XIOS. Alternatively : * if necessary, edit myself.sh to set variable SVN_ROOT * execute ./checkout.sh to fetch DYNAMICO, XIOS from svn. ========================================================= COMPILING ========================================================= Please compile DYNAMICO and XIOS yourself. ========================================================= COFIGUREATION ========================================================= Create symbolic link "build" in this folder pointing to the model build folder ========================================================= RUNING ========================================================= Directory Experiments contains *.xml / *.def files and batch job scripts to run basic experiments, currently on the machine camelot. Directory Data contains any input data used for these runs. ========================================================= 1. EXPERIMENT "NUDG_DYNAMICO" ========================================================= 1) Generate data file by epmloying low resolution experiment ("LOWRES_DCMIP21" OR "LOWRES_DCMIP41") 2) Interpolate the generated output file from model levels to ERA data pressure levels using Data/vertical_interpolation.py (use module load python/2.7-anaconda50 on camelot) 3) Use the newly generated output file to drive the "NUDG_DYNAMICO" experiment ======================================================== 2. EXPERIMENT "NUDG_ERA" ======================================================== 1) Generate time series data from ERA data files using Data/combine_datafiles_camelot.sh 2) Process the time series data using Data/vertical_interpolation_camelot.py and Data/job_interpolation_camelot.sh 3) Use the newly generated output file to drive the "NUDG_DYNAMICO" experiment