module purge # load CMIP6 modules for intel, mkl, mpi, netcdf . /ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p86ipsl/.env_intel17.0.2_curie; . /ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p86ipsl/.env_netcdf4.3.3.1_curie # For the record : # Currently Loaded Modulefiles: # 1) ccc 3) dfldatadir/own(default) 5) c/intel/ 7) c++/intel/ 9) mkl/ 11) mpi/bullxmpi/ 13) netcdf/ # 2) datadir/own(default) 4) licsrv/standard 6) licsrv/intel 8) fortran/intel/ 10) intel/ 12) python/2.7.12 14) cdo/1.6.7_netcdf-4.3.2_hdf5 # nco interferes with XIOS arch file (prevents module unload netcdf) and we don't need it anyway module unload nco