MODULE init_print_control_mod ! module print_control_mod splitted due to dependency module CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_print_control USE print_control_mod, ONLY : set_print_control USE ioipsl, ONLY : getin USE mod_phys_lmdz_para IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: lunout ! default output file identifier (6==screen) INTEGER :: prt_level ! Output level LOGICAL :: debug ! flag to specify if in "debug mode" LOGICAL :: exist INTEGER :: number !Config Key = prt_level !Config Desc = niveau d'impressions de débogage !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Niveau d'impression pour le débogage !Config (0 = minimum d'impression) prt_level = 0 IF (is_master) CALL getin('prt_level',prt_level) CALL bcast(prt_level) !Config Key = lunout !Config Desc = unite de fichier pour les impressions !Config Def = 6 !Config Help = unite de fichier pour les impressions !Config (defaut sortie standard = 6) lunout=6 IF (is_master) CALL getin('lunout', lunout) CALL bcast(lunout) IF (is_omp_master) THEN IF (lunout /= 5 .and. lunout /= 6) THEN INQUIRE(FILE='lmdz.out_0000',EXIST=exist,NUMBER=number) IF (exist) THEN lunout=number ELSE OPEN(UNIT=lunout,FILE='lmdz.out_0000',ACTION='write', & STATUS='unknown',FORM='formatted') ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF CALL bcast_omp(lunout) !Config Key = debug !Config Desc = mode debogage !Config Def = false !Config Help = positionne le mode debogage debug = .FALSE. IF (is_master) CALL getin('debug',debug) CALL bcast(debug) CALL set_print_control(lunout,prt_level,debug) END SUBROUTINE init_print_control END MODULE init_print_control_mod