! $Id: phyetat0.F90 2251 2015-03-26 17:28:25Z fhourdin $ SUBROUTINE phyetat0 (fichnom, clesphy0, tabcntr0) USE dimphy, only: klon, zmasq, klev, nslay USE iophy, ONLY : init_iophy_new USE ocean_cpl_mod, ONLY : ocean_cpl_init USE fonte_neige_mod, ONLY : fonte_neige_init USE pbl_surface_mod, ONLY : pbl_surface_init USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean, version_ocean USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY : ancien_ok, clwcon, detr_therm, dtime, & qsol, fevap, z0m, z0h, agesno, & du_gwd_rando, dv_gwd_rando, entr_therm, f0, fm_therm, & falb_dir, falb_dif, & ftsol, pbl_tke, pctsrf, q_ancien, radpas, radsol, rain_fall, ratqs, & rlat, rlon, rnebcon, rugoro, sig1, snow_fall, solaire_etat0, sollw, sollwdown, & solsw, t_ancien, u_ancien, v_ancien, w01, wake_cstar, wake_deltaq, & wake_deltat, wake_delta_pbl_TKE, delta_tsurf, wake_fip, wake_pe, & wake_s, zgam, & zmax0, zmea, zpic, zsig, & zstd, zthe, zval, ale_bl, ale_bl_trig, alp_bl USE iostart, ONLY : close_startphy, get_field, get_var, open_startphy USE infotrac_phy, only: nbtr, type_trac, tname, niadv USE traclmdz_mod, ONLY : traclmdz_from_restart USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_cpl, co2_send USE indice_sol_mod, only: nbsrf, is_ter, epsfra, is_lic, is_oce, is_sic USE ocean_slab_mod, ONLY: tslab, seaice, tice, ocean_slab_init !USE temps_phy_mod USE inifis_mod, ONLY: itau_phy IMPLICIT none !====================================================================== ! Auteur(s) Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) date: 19930818 ! Objet: Lecture de l'etat initial pour la physique !====================================================================== include "netcdf.inc" include "dimsoil.h" include "clesphys.h" include "thermcell.h" include "compbl.h" include "YOMCST.h" !====================================================================== CHARACTER*(*) fichnom ! les variables globales lues dans le fichier restart REAL tsoil(klon, nsoilmx, nbsrf) REAL qsurf(klon, nbsrf) REAL snow(klon, nbsrf) real fder(klon) REAL run_off_lic_0(klon) REAL fractint(klon) REAL trs(klon, nbtr) REAL zts(klon) CHARACTER*6 ocean_in LOGICAL ok_veget_in INTEGER longcles PARAMETER ( longcles = 20 ) REAL clesphy0( longcles ) REAL xmin, xmax INTEGER nid, nvarid INTEGER ierr, i, nsrf, isoil , k INTEGER length PARAMETER (length=100) INTEGER it, iiq, isw REAL tab_cntrl(length), tabcntr0(length) CHARACTER*7 str7 CHARACTER*2 str2 LOGICAL :: found,phyetat0_get,phyetat0_srf ! FH1D ! real iolat(jjm+1) !real iolat(jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm)) ! Ouvrir le fichier contenant l'etat initial: CALL open_startphy(fichnom) ! Lecture des parametres de controle: CALL get_var("controle", tab_cntrl) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! FH 2008/05/09 On elimine toutes les clefs physiques dans la dynamique ! Les constantes de la physiques sont lues dans la physique seulement. ! Les egalites du type ! tab_cntrl( 5 )=clesphy0(1) ! sont remplacees par ! clesphy0(1)=tab_cntrl( 5 ) ! On inverse aussi la logique. ! On remplit les tab_cntrl avec les parametres lus dans les .def !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO i = 1, length tabcntr0( i ) = tab_cntrl( i ) ENDDO tab_cntrl(1)=dtime tab_cntrl(2)=radpas ! co2_ppm : value from the previous time step IF (carbon_cycle_tr .OR. carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN co2_ppm = tab_cntrl(3) RCO2 = co2_ppm * 1.0e-06 * 44.011/28.97 ! ELSE : keep value from .def END IF ! co2_ppm0 : initial value of atmospheric CO2 (from create_etat0_limit.e .def) co2_ppm0 = tab_cntrl(16) solaire_etat0 = tab_cntrl(4) tab_cntrl(5)=iflag_con tab_cntrl(6)=nbapp_rad if (cycle_diurne) tab_cntrl( 7) =1. if (soil_model) tab_cntrl( 8) =1. if (new_oliq) tab_cntrl( 9) =1. if (ok_orodr) tab_cntrl(10) =1. if (ok_orolf) tab_cntrl(11) =1. if (ok_limitvrai) tab_cntrl(12) =1. itau_phy = tab_cntrl(15) clesphy0(1)=tab_cntrl( 5 ) clesphy0(2)=tab_cntrl( 6 ) clesphy0(3)=tab_cntrl( 7 ) clesphy0(4)=tab_cntrl( 8 ) clesphy0(5)=tab_cntrl( 9 ) clesphy0(6)=tab_cntrl( 10 ) clesphy0(7)=tab_cntrl( 11 ) clesphy0(8)=tab_cntrl( 12 ) ! Lecture des latitudes (coordonnees): CALL get_field("latitude", rlat) ! Lecture des longitudes (coordonnees): CALL get_field("longitude", rlon) ! Lecture du masque terre mer CALL get_field("masque", zmasq, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT *, 'fichier startphy non compatible avec phyetat0' ENDIF ! Lecture des fractions pour chaque sous-surface ! initialisation des sous-surfaces pctsrf = 0. ! fraction de terre CALL get_field("FTER", pctsrf(:, is_ter), found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! fraction de glace de terre CALL get_field("FLIC", pctsrf(:, is_lic), found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! fraction d'ocean CALL get_field("FOCE", pctsrf(:, is_oce), found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! fraction glace de mer CALL get_field("FSIC", pctsrf(:, is_sic), found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! Verification de l'adequation entre le masque et les sous-surfaces fractint( 1 : klon) = pctsrf(1 : klon, is_ter) & + pctsrf(1 : klon, is_lic) DO i = 1 , klon IF ( abs(fractint(i) - zmasq(i) ) .GT. EPSFRA ) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'phyetat0: attention fraction terre pas ', & 'coherente ', i, zmasq(i), pctsrf(i, is_ter) & , pctsrf(i, is_lic) WRITE(*, *) 'Je force la coherence zmasq=fractint' zmasq(i) = fractint(i) ENDIF END DO fractint (1 : klon) = pctsrf(1 : klon, is_oce) & + pctsrf(1 : klon, is_sic) DO i = 1 , klon IF ( abs( fractint(i) - (1. - zmasq(i))) .GT. EPSFRA ) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'phyetat0 attention fraction ocean pas ', & 'coherente ', i, zmasq(i) , pctsrf(i, is_oce) & , pctsrf(i, is_sic) WRITE(*, *) 'Je force la coherence zmasq=1.-fractint' zmasq(i) = 1. - fractint(i) ENDIF END DO ! Lecture des temperatures du sol: CALL get_field("TS", ftsol(:, 1), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire TS**' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("TS"//str2, ftsol(:, nsrf)) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(ftsol(i, nsrf), xmin) xmax = MAX(ftsol(i, nsrf), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Temperature du sol TS**:', nsrf, xmin, xmax ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres temperatures TS**' xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(ftsol(i, 1), xmin) xmax = MAX(ftsol(i, 1), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Temperature du sol ', xmin, xmax DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf DO i = 1, klon ftsol(i, nsrf) = ftsol(i, 1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !=================================================================== ! Lecture des albedo difus et direct DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf DO isw=1, nsw IF (isw.GT.99 .AND. nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de bandes SW ou sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str7, '(i2.2, "srf", i2.2)') isw, nsrf CALL get_field('A_dir_SW'//str7, falb_dir(:, isw, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, " Il prend donc la valeur de surface" DO i=1, klon falb_dir(i, isw, nsrf)=0.2 ENDDO ENDIF CALL get_field('A_dif_SW'//str7, falb_dif(:, isw, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, " Il prend donc la valeur de surface" DO i=1, klon falb_dif(i, isw, nsrf)=0.2 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !=================================================================== ! Lecture des temperatures du sol profond: DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf DO isoil=1, nsoilmx IF (isoil.GT.99 .AND. nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de couches ou sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str7, '(i2.2, "srf", i2.2)') isoil, nsrf CALL get_field('Tsoil'//str7, tsoil(:, isoil, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, " Il prend donc la valeur de surface" DO i=1, klon tsoil(i, isoil, nsrf)=ftsol(i, nsrf) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !=================================================================== ! Lecture de l'humidite de l'air juste au dessus du sol: CALL get_field("QS", qsurf(:, 1), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire QS**' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("QS"//str2, qsurf(:, nsrf)) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(qsurf(i, nsrf), xmin) xmax = MAX(qsurf(i, nsrf), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Humidite pres du sol QS**:', nsrf, xmin, xmax ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres humidites QS**' xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(qsurf(i, 1), xmin) xmax = MAX(qsurf(i, 1), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Humidite pres du sol ', xmin, xmax DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf DO i = 1, klon qsurf(i, nsrf) = qsurf(i, 1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Eau dans le sol (pour le modele de sol "bucket") CALL get_field("QSOL", qsol, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Valeur par defaut nulle' qsol(:)=0. ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(qsol(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(qsol(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Eau dans le sol (mm) ', xmin, xmax ! Lecture de neige au sol: CALL get_field("SNOW", snow(:, 1), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire SNOW**' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field( "SNOW"//str2, snow(:, nsrf)) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(snow(i, nsrf), xmin) xmax = MAX(snow(i, nsrf), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Neige du sol SNOW**:', nsrf, xmin, xmax ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres neiges SNOW**' xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(snow(i, 1), xmin) xmax = MAX(snow(i, 1), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Neige du sol ', xmin, xmax DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf DO i = 1, klon snow(i, nsrf) = snow(i, 1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Lecture de evaporation: CALL get_field("EVAP", fevap(:, 1), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire EVAP**' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("EVAP"//str2, fevap(:, nsrf)) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(fevap(i, nsrf), xmin) xmax = MAX(fevap(i, nsrf), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'fevap du sol EVAP**:', nsrf, xmin, xmax ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres EVAP**' xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(fevap(i, 1), xmin) xmax = MAX(fevap(i, 1), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Evap du sol ', xmin, xmax DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf DO i = 1, klon fevap(i, nsrf) = fevap(i, 1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Lecture precipitation liquide: CALL get_field("rain_f", rain_fall) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(rain_fall(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(rain_fall(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Precipitation liquide rain_f:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture precipitation solide: CALL get_field("snow_f", snow_fall) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(snow_fall(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(snow_fall(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Precipitation solide snow_f:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture rayonnement solaire au sol: CALL get_field("solsw", solsw, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, 'mis a zero' solsw(:) = 0. ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(solsw(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(solsw(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Rayonnement solaire au sol solsw:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture rayonnement IF au sol: CALL get_field("sollw", sollw, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, 'mis a zero' sollw = 0. ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(sollw(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(sollw(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Rayonnement IF au sol sollw:', xmin, xmax CALL get_field("sollwdown", sollwdown, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, 'mis a zero' sollwdown = 0. zts=0. do nsrf=1,nbsrf zts(:)=zts(:)+ftsol(:,nsrf)*pctsrf(:,nsrf) enddo sollwdown(:)=sollw(:)+RSIGMA*zts(:)**4 ENDIF ! print*,'TS SOLL',zts(klon/2),sollw(klon/2),sollwdown(klon/2) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(sollwdown(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(sollwdown(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Rayonnement IF au sol sollwdown:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture derive des flux: CALL get_field("fder", fder, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, 'mis a zero' fder = 0. ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(fder(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(fder(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Derive des flux fder:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture du rayonnement net au sol: CALL get_field("RADS", radsol) xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(radsol(i), xmin) xmax = MAX(radsol(i), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Rayonnement net au sol radsol:', xmin, xmax ! Lecture de la longueur de rugosite IF (1==0) THEN ! A DERTRUIRE TOUT DE SUITE DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf ! Retrocompatibilite. A nettoyer fin 2015 CALL get_field("RUG"//str2, z0m(:, nsrf),found) IF (found) THEN z0h(:,nsrf)=z0m(:,nsrf) PRINT*,'Lecture de ',"RUG"//str2,' -> z0m/z0h (obsolete)' ELSE CALL get_field("Z0m"//str2, z0m(:, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT.found) Z0m=1.e-3 ! initialisation à 1mm au cas ou. CALL get_field("Z0h"//str2, z0h(:, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT.found) Z0h=1.e-3 ! initialisation à 1mm au cas ou. ENDIF PRINT*, 'rugosite Z0m',nsrf,minval(z0m(:, nsrf)),maxval(z0m(:, nsrf)) PRINT*, 'rugosite Z0h',nsrf,minval(z0h(:, nsrf)),maxval(z0h(:, nsrf)) ENDDO ELSE found=phyetat0_srf(1,z0m,"RUG","Z0m ancien",0.001) IF (found) THEN z0h(:,1:nbsrf)=z0m(:,1:nbsrf) ELSE found=phyetat0_srf(1,z0m,"Z0m","Roughness length, momentum ",0.001) found=phyetat0_srf(1,z0h,"Z0h","Roughness length, enthalpy ",0.001) ENDIF ENDIF ! Lecture de l'age de la neige: CALL get_field("AGESNO", agesno(:, 1), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire AGESNO**' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("AGESNO"//str2, agesno(:, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" agesno = 50.0 ENDIF PRINT*, 'agesno',nsrf,minval(agesno(:, nsrf)),maxval(agesno(:, nsrf)) ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres AGESNO**' xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, klon xmin = MIN(agesno(i, 1), xmin) xmax = MAX(agesno(i, 1), xmax) ENDDO PRINT*, 'Age de la neige ', xmin, xmax DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf DO i = 1, klon agesno(i, nsrf) = agesno(i, 1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! CALL get_field("ZMEA", zmea) ! PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zmea:',minval(zmea(:)),maxval(zmea(:)) found=phyetat0_get(1,zmea,"ZMEA","mean orography",0.) CALL get_field("ZSTD", zstd) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zstd:',minval(zstd(:)),maxval(zstd(:)) CALL get_field("ZSIG", zsig) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zsig:',minval(zsig(:)),maxval(zsig(:)) CALL get_field("ZGAM", zgam) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zgam:',minval(zgam(:)),maxval(zgam(:)) CALL get_field("ZTHE", zthe) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zthe:',minval(zthe(:)),maxval(zthe(:)) CALL get_field("ZPIC", zpic) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zpic:',minval(zpic(:)),maxval(zpic(:)) CALL get_field("ZVAL", zval) PRINT*, 'OROGRAPHIE SOUS-MAILLE zval:',minval(zval(:)),maxval(zval(:)) CALL get_field("RUGSREL", rugoro) PRINT*, 'Rugosite relief (ecart-type) rugsrel:',minval(rugoro(:)),maxval(rugoro(:)) ancien_ok = .TRUE. CALL get_field("TANCIEN", t_ancien, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ancien_ok = .FALSE. ENDIF CALL get_field("QANCIEN", q_ancien, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ancien_ok = .FALSE. ENDIF CALL get_field("UANCIEN", u_ancien, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ancien_ok = .FALSE. ENDIF CALL get_field("VANCIEN", v_ancien, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ancien_ok = .FALSE. ENDIF clwcon=0. CALL get_field("CLWCON", clwcon, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ CLWCON est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ENDIF PRINT*,'Eau liquide convective (ecart-type) clwcon:',MINval(clwcon),MAXval(clwcon) rnebcon = 0. CALL get_field("RNEBCON", rnebcon, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ RNEBCON est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ENDIF PRINT*, 'Nebulosite convective (ecart-type) rnebcon:',MINval(rnebcon),MAXval(rnebcon) ! Lecture ratqs ratqs=0. CALL get_field("RATQS", ratqs, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" ENDIF PRINT*, '(ecart-type) ratqs:', MINval(ratqs),MAXval(ratqs) ! Lecture run_off_lic_0 CALL get_field("RUNOFFLIC0", run_off_lic_0, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" run_off_lic_0 = 0. ENDIF PRINT*, '(ecart-type) run_off_lic_0:', MINval(run_off_lic_0),MAXval(run_off_lic_0) ! Lecture de l'energie cinetique turbulente IF (iflag_pbl>1) then DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("TKE"//str2, pbl_tke(:, 1:klev+1, nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: est absent" pbl_tke(:, :, nsrf)=1.e-8 ENDIF PRINT*, 'Turbulent kinetic energyl TKE**:', nsrf, minval(pbl_tke(:,:,nsrf)),maxval(pbl_tke(:,:, nsrf)) ENDDO ENDIF ! Lecture de l'ecart de TKE (w) - (x) ! IF (iflag_pbl>1 .AND. iflag_wake>=1 & .AND. iflag_pbl_split >=1 ) then DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2,'(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("DELTATKE"//str2, & wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,1:klev+1,nsrf),found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: est absent" wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,:,nsrf)=0. ENDIF PRINT*,'TKE difference (w)-(x) DELTATKE**:', nsrf, & minval(wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,:,nsrf)),maxval(wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,:, nsrf)) ENDDO ! delta_tsurf DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.GT.99) THEN PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF WRITE(str2,'(i2.2)') nsrf CALL get_field("DELTA_TSURF"//str2, delta_tsurf(:,nsrf), found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" delta_tsurf(:,nsrf)=0. ELSE PRINT*, 'delta_tsurf:', nsrf, & minval(delta_tsurf(:,nsrf)),maxval(delta_tsurf(:, nsrf)) ENDIF ENDDO ! nsrf = 1, nbsrf ENDIF !(iflag_pbl>1 .AND. iflag_wake>=1 .AND. iflag_pbl_split >=1 ) !================================== ! thermiques, poches, convection !================================== found=phyetat0_get(1,w01,"w01","w01",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,sig1,"sig1","sig1",0.) found=phyetat0_get(klev,wake_deltat,"WAKE_DELTAT","Delta T wake/env",0.) found=phyetat0_get(klev,wake_deltaq,"WAKE_DELTAQ","Delta hum. wake/env",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,wake_s,"WAKE_S","???",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,wake_cstar,"WAKE_CSTAR","???",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,wake_pe,"WAKE_PE","???",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,wake_fip,"WAKE_FIP","???",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,zmax0,"ZMAX0","ZMAX0",40.) found=phyetat0_get(1,f0,"F0","F0",1.e-5) found=phyetat0_get(klev,fm_therm,"FM_THERM","Thermals mass flux",0.) found=phyetat0_get(klev,entr_therm,"ENTR_THERM","Thermals Entrain.",0.) found=phyetat0_get(klev,detr_therm,"DETR_THERM","Thermals Detrain.",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,ale_bl,"ALE_BL","ALE BL",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,ale_bl_trig,"ALE_BL_TRIG","ALE BL_TRIG",0.) found=phyetat0_get(1,alp_bl,"ALP_BL","ALP BL",0.) !=========================================== ! Read and send field trs to traclmdz !=========================================== IF (type_trac == 'lmdz') THEN DO it=1, nbtr iiq=niadv(it+2) found=phyetat0_get(1,trs(:,it),"trs_"//tname(iiq),"Surf trac"//tname(iiq),0.) END DO CALL traclmdz_from_restart(trs) IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN found=phyetat0_get(1,co2_send,"co2_send","co2 send",0.) END IF END IF !=========================================== ! ondes de gravite non orographiques !=========================================== if (ok_gwd_rando) then call get_field("du_gwd_rando", du_gwd_rando, found) found=phyetat0_get(klev,du_gwd_rando,"du_gwd_rando","du_gwd_rando",0.) found=phyetat0_get(klev,dv_gwd_rando,"dv_gwd_rando","dv_gwd_rando",0.) end if !=========================================== ! Initialize ocean !=========================================== IF ( type_ocean == 'slab' ) THEN CALL ocean_slab_init(dtime, pctsrf) found=phyetat0_get(nslay,tslab,"tslab","tslab",0.) IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Initialisation a tsol_oce" DO i=1,nslay tslab(:,i)=MAX(ftsol(:,is_oce),271.35) END DO END IF ! Sea ice variables found=phyetat0_get(1,tice,"slab_tice","slab_tice",0.) IF (version_ocean == 'sicINT') THEN IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Initialisation a tsol_sic" tice(:)=ftsol(:,is_sic) END IF IF (.NOT. found) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" PRINT*, "Initialisation a 0/1m suivant fraction glace" seaice(:)=0. WHERE (pctsrf(:,is_sic).GT.EPSFRA) seaice=917. END WHERE END IF END IF !sea ice INT END IF ! Slab ! on ferme le fichier CALL close_startphy ! Initialize module pbl_surface_mod CALL pbl_surface_init(fder, snow, qsurf, tsoil) ! Initialize module ocean_cpl_mod for the case of coupled ocean IF ( type_ocean == 'couple' ) THEN CALL ocean_cpl_init(dtime, rlon, rlat) ENDIF CALL init_iophy_new(rlat, rlon) ! Initilialize module fonte_neige_mod CALL fonte_neige_init(run_off_lic_0) END SUBROUTINE phyetat0 !=================================================================== FUNCTION phyetat0_get(nlev,field,name,descr,default) !=================================================================== ! Lecture d'un champ avec contrôle ! Function logique dont le resultat indique si la lecture ! s'est bien passée ! On donne une valeur par defaut dans le cas contraire !=================================================================== USE iostart, ONLY : get_field USE dimphy, only: klon USE inifis_mod, ONLY: lunout IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL phyetat0_get ! arguments INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlev CHARACTER*(*),INTENT(IN) :: name,descr REAL,INTENT(IN) :: default REAL,DIMENSION(klon,nlev),INTENT(INOUT) :: field ! Local variables LOGICAL found CALL get_field(name, field, found) IF (.NOT. found) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) "phyetat0: Le champ <",name,"> est absent" WRITE(lunout,*) "Depart legerement fausse. Mais je continue" field(:,:)=default ENDIF WRITE(lunout,*) name, descr, MINval(field),MAXval(field) phyetat0_get=found RETURN END FUNCTION phyetat0_get !================================================================ FUNCTION phyetat0_srf(nlev,field,name,descr,default) !=================================================================== ! Lecture d'un champ par sous-surface avec contrôle ! Function logique dont le resultat indique si la lecture ! s'est bien passée ! On donne une valeur par defaut dans le cas contraire !=================================================================== USE iostart, ONLY : get_field USE dimphy, only: klon USE indice_sol_mod, only: nbsrf USE inifis_mod, ONLY: lunout IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL phyetat0_srf ! arguments INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlev CHARACTER*(*),INTENT(IN) :: name,descr REAL,INTENT(IN) :: default REAL,DIMENSION(klon,nlev,nbsrf),INTENT(INOUT) :: field ! Local variables LOGICAL found,phyetat0_get INTEGER nsrf CHARACTER*2 str2 IF (nbsrf.GT.99) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_physic("phyetat0", "", 1) ENDIF DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf found= phyetat0_get(nlev,field(:,:, nsrf), & name//str2,descr//" srf:"//str2,default) ENDDO phyetat0_srf=found RETURN END FUNCTION phyetat0_srf