Changeset 3525 for LMDZ6/branches
- Timestamp:
- May 28, 2019, 2:52:20 PM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15/libf
- Files:
- 1 added
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3519 r3525 113 113 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol 114 114 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat 115 LOGICAL :: flag_aer_feedback 115 116 LOGICAL :: flag_bc_internal_mixture 116 117 LOGICAL :: new_aod … … 134 135 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan, & 135 136 aerosol_couple, chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, & 136 flag_aerosol_strat, new_aod, flag_bc_internal_mixture, & 137 flag_aerosol_strat, & 138 flag_aer_feedback, & 139 new_aod, flag_bc_internal_mixture, & 137 140 bl95_b0, bl95_b1, read_climoz, alp_offset) 138 141 CALL phys_state_var_init(read_climoz) -
set to
r3098 r3525 1 ! 2 ! $Id$ 3 ! 1 4 SUBROUTINE micphy_tstep(pdtphys,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,paprs,rh,is_strato) 2 5 6 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : latitude_deg !NL- latitude corr. to local domain 3 7 USE dimphy, ONLY : klon,klev 4 8 USE aerophys … … 9 13 USE sulfate_aer_mod, ONLY : STRAACT 10 14 USE YOMCST, ONLY : RPI, RD, RG 11 15 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout 16 USE strataer_mod 17 12 18 IMPLICIT NONE 13 19 … … 89 95 ! compute nucleation rate in kg(H2SO4)/kgA/s 90 96 CALL nucleation_rate(rhoa,t_seri(ilon,ilev),pplay(ilon,ilev),rh(ilon,ilev), & 91 & a_xm,b_xm,c_xm,nucl_rate,ntot,x) 97 & a_xm,b_xm,c_xm,nucl_rate,ntot,x) 98 !NL - add nucleation box (if flag on) 99 IF (flag_nuc_rate_box) THEN 100 IF (latitude_deg(ilon).LE.(nuclat_min) .OR. latitude_deg(ilon).GE.(nuclat_max) & 101 .OR. pplay(ilon,ilev).GE.nucpres_max .AND. pplay(ilon,ilev) .LE. nucpres_min ) THEN 102 nucl_rate=0.0 103 ENDIF 104 ENDIF 92 105 ! compute cond/evap rate in kg(H2SO4)/kgA/s 93 106 CALL condens_evapor_rate(rhoa,t_seri(ilon,ilev),pplay(ilon,ilev), & … … 160 173 DO it=1, nbtr 161 174 IF (tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it).LT.0.0) THEN 162 PRINT *,'micphy_tstep: negative concentration', tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it), ilon, ilev, it175 WRITE(lunout,*) 'micphy_tstep: negative concentration', tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it), ilon, ilev, it 163 176 ENDIF 164 177 ENDDO -
set to
set to
r3114 r3525 1 ! 2 ! $Id$ 3 ! 1 4 MODULE traccoag_mod 2 5 ! … … 16 19 USE infotrac 17 20 USE aerophys 18 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : cell_area 21 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : cell_area, boundslat 19 22 USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz 20 23 USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY : is_mpi_root … … 24 27 USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: stratomask 25 28 USE YOMCST 29 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout 30 USE strataer_mod 31 USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY : year_len 26 32 27 33 IMPLICIT NONE … … 52 58 ! Local variables 53 59 !---------------- 54 ! flag for sulfur emission scenario: (0) background aerosol ; (1) volcanic eruption ; (2) stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI) 55 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: flag_sulf_emit=2 56 ! 57 !--flag_sulf_emit=1 --example Pinatubo 58 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: year_emit_vol=1991 ! year of emission date 59 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mth_emit_vol=6 ! month of emission date 60 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: day_emit_vol=15 ! day of emission date 61 REAL,PARAMETER :: m_aer_emiss_vol=7.e9 ! emitted sulfur mass in kgS, e.g. 7Tg(S)=14Tg(SO2) 62 REAL,PARAMETER :: altemiss_vol=17.e3 ! emission altitude in m 63 REAL,PARAMETER :: sigma_alt_vol=1.e3 ! standard deviation of emission altitude in m 64 REAL,PARAMETER :: xlat_vol=15.14 ! latitude of volcano in degree 65 REAL,PARAMETER :: xlon_vol=120.35 ! longitude of volcano in degree 66 67 !--flag_sulf_emit=2 --SAI 68 REAL,PARAMETER :: m_aer_emiss_sai=1.e10 ! emitted sulfur mass in kgS, eg 1e9=1TgS, 1e10=10TgS 69 REAL,PARAMETER :: altemiss_sai=17.e3 ! emission altitude in m 70 REAL,PARAMETER :: sigma_alt_sai=1.e3 ! standard deviation of emission altitude in m 71 REAL,PARAMETER :: xlat_sai=0.01 ! latitude of SAI in degree 72 REAL,PARAMETER :: xlon_sai=120.35 ! longitude of SAI in degree 73 74 !--other local variables 75 INTEGER :: it, k, i, ilon, ilev, itime, i_int 60 REAL :: m_aer_emiss_vol_daily ! daily injection mass emission 61 REAL :: sum_emi_so2 ! Test sum of all LON for budg_emi_so2 62 INTEGER :: it, k, i, ilon, ilev, itime, i_int, ieru 76 63 LOGICAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: is_strato ! true = above tropopause, false = below 77 64 REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: m_air_gridbox ! mass of air in every grid box [kg] … … 90 77 REAL,DIMENSION(klev) :: zdm ! mass of atm. model layer in kg 91 78 REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: dens_aer ! density of aerosol particles [kg/m3 aerosol] with default H2SO4 mass fraction 92 REAL :: dlat, dlon ! d latitude and d longitude of grid in degree93 79 REAL :: emission ! emission 80 REAL :: theta_min, theta_max ! for SAI computation between two latitudes 81 REAL :: dlat_loc 94 82 95 83 IF (is_mpi_root) THEN 96 PRINT *,'in traccoag: date from phys_cal_mod =',year_cur,'-',mth_cur,'-',day_cur,'-',hour 84 WRITE(lunout,*) 'in traccoag: date from phys_cal_mod =',year_cur,'-',mth_cur,'-',day_cur,'-',hour 85 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag flag_sulf_emit: ',flag_sulf_emit 86 IF (flag_sulf_emit == 1) THEN 87 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag nErupt: ',nErupt 88 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag injdur: ',injdur 89 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : year_emit_vol',year_emit_vol 90 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : mth_emit_vol',mth_emit_vol 91 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : day_emit_vol',day_emit_vol 92 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : m_aer_emiss_vol',m_aer_emiss_vol 93 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : altemiss_vol',altemiss_vol 94 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : sigma_alt_vol',sigma_alt_vol 95 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : ponde_lonlat_vol',ponde_lonlat_vol 96 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlat_min_vol',xlat_min_vol 97 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlat_max_vol',xlat_max_vol 98 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlon_min_vol',xlon_min_vol 99 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlon_max_vol',xlon_max_vol 100 ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 2) THEN 101 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai 102 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai 103 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai 104 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlat_sai',xlat_sai 105 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlon_sai',xlon_sai 106 ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 3) THEN 107 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai 108 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai 109 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai 110 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlat_min_sai',xlat_min_sai 111 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlat_max_sai',xlat_max_sai 112 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : xlon_sai',xlon_sai 113 ENDIF 114 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : flag_nuc_rate_box = ',flag_nuc_rate_box 115 IF (flag_nuc_rate_box) THEN 116 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : nuclat_min = ',nuclat_min,', nuclat_max = ',nuclat_max 117 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag : nucpres_min = ',nucpres_min,', nucpres_max = ',nucpres_max 118 ENDIF 97 119 ENDIF 98 99 dlat=180./2./FLOAT(nbp_lat) ! d latitude in degree 100 dlon=360./2./FLOAT(nbp_lon) ! d longitude in degree 101 120 102 121 DO it=1, nbtr_bin 103 122 r_bin(it)=mdw(it)/2. … … 120 139 IF (debutphy .and. is_mpi_root) THEN 121 140 DO it=1, nbtr_bin 122 PRINT *,'radius bin', it, ':', r_bin(it), '(from', r_lower(it), 'to', r_upper(it), ')'141 WRITE(lunout,*) 'radius bin', it, ':', r_bin(it), '(from', r_lower(it), 'to', r_upper(it), ')' 123 142 ENDDO 124 143 ENDIF … … 170 189 !--only emit on day of eruption 171 190 ! stretch emission over one day of Pinatubo eruption 172 IF (year_cur==year_emit_vol.AND.mth_cur==mth_emit_vol.AND.day_cur==day_emit_vol) THEN 173 ! 174 DO i=1,klon 175 !Pinatubo eruption at 15.14N, 120.35E 176 IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_vol-dlat .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_vol+dlat .AND. & 177 xlon(i).GE.xlon_vol-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_vol+dlon ) THEN 178 ! 179 PRINT *,'coordinates of volcanic injection point=',xlat(i), xlon(i), day_cur, mth_cur, year_cur 180 ! compute altLMDz 181 altLMDz(:)=0.0 182 DO k=1, klev 183 zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 184 zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg 185 zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m 186 altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface 187 ENDDO 188 !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on Gaussian peak in altitude) 189 f_lay_sum=0.0 190 DO k=1, klev 191 f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 192 DO i_int=1, n_int_alt 193 alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 194 f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_vol)* & 195 & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_vol)/sigma_alt_vol)**2.)* & 196 & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 197 ENDDO 198 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 199 ENDDO 200 !correct for step integration error 201 f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum 202 !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) 203 !vertically distributed emission 204 DO k=1, klev 205 ! stretch emission over one day (minus one timestep) of Pinatubo eruption 206 emission=m_aer_emiss_vol*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/1./(86400.-pdtphys) 207 tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys 208 budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol 209 ENDDO 210 ENDIF ! emission grid cell 211 ENDDO ! klon loop 212 ENDIF ! emission period 213 191 DO ieru=1, nErupt 192 IF (is_mpi_root) THEN 193 sum_emi_so2 = 0.0 ! Init sum 194 ENDIF 195 IF (year_cur==year_emit_vol(ieru).AND.mth_cur==mth_emit_vol(ieru).AND.& 196 day_cur>=day_emit_vol(ieru).AND.day_cur<(day_emit_vol(ieru)+injdur)) THEN 197 ! 198 ! daily injection mass emission - NL 199 m_aer_emiss_vol_daily = m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru)/(REAL(injdur)*REAL(ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru))) 200 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag DD m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru)=',m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru), & 201 'ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru)=',ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru),'(injdur*ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru))', & 202 (injdur*ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru)),'m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=',m_aer_emiss_vol_daily,'ieru=',ieru 203 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag, dlon=',dlon 204 DO i=1,klon 205 !Pinatubo eruption at 15.14N, 120.35E 206 dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes 207 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag, dlat=',dlat_loc 208 IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_min_vol(ieru)-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_max_vol(ieru)+dlat_loc .AND. & 209 xlon(i).GE.xlon_min_vol(ieru)-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_max_vol(ieru)+dlon ) THEN 210 ! 211 WRITE(lunout,*) 'coordinates of volcanic injection point=',xlat(i),xlon(i),day_cur,mth_cur,year_cur 212 WRITE(lunout,*) 'DD m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=',m_aer_emiss_vol_daily 213 ! compute altLMDz 214 altLMDz(:)=0.0 215 DO k=1, klev 216 zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 217 zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg 218 zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m 219 altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface 220 ENDDO 221 222 SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) 223 224 CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution 225 !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on Gaussian peak in altitude) 226 f_lay_sum=0.0 227 DO k=1, klev 228 f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 229 DO i_int=1, n_int_alt 230 alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 231 f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_vol(ieru))* & 232 & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_vol(ieru))/sigma_alt_vol(ieru))**2.)* & 233 & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 234 ENDDO 235 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 236 ENDDO 237 238 CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution 239 ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half the 240 ! height of the injection, centered around altemiss_vol(ieru) 241 DO k=1, klev 242 f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_vol(ieru)+sigma_alt_vol(ieru),altLMDz(k+1))- & 243 & max(altemiss_vol(ieru)-sigma_alt_vol(ieru),altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_vol(ieru)) 244 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 245 ENDDO 246 247 END SELECT ! End CASE over flag_sulf_emit_distrib) 248 249 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag m_aer_emiss_vol=",m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru) 250 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag f_lay_emiss=",f_lay_emiss 251 !correct for step integration error 252 f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum 253 !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) 254 !vertically distributed emission 255 DO k=1, klev 256 ! stretch emission over one day of Pinatubo eruption 257 emission=m_aer_emiss_vol_daily*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/1./(86400.-pdtphys) 258 tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys 259 budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol 260 ENDDO 261 sum_emi_so2 = sum_emi_so2 + budg_emi_so2(i) ! Sum all LON 262 ENDIF ! emission grid cell 263 ENDDO ! klon loop 264 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag (ieru=",ieru,") global sum_emi_so2=",sum_emi_so2 265 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag (ieru=",ieru,") m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=",m_aer_emiss_vol_daily 266 ENDIF ! emission period 267 ENDDO ! eruption number 268 214 269 CASE(2) ! stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI) 215 270 ! … … 217 272 ! SAI standard scenario with continuous emission from 1 grid point at the equator 218 273 ! SAI emission on single month 219 ! IF ((mth_cur==4 .AND. &220 274 ! SAI continuous emission o 221 IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_sai-dlat .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_sai+dlat .AND. & 275 dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes 276 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag, dlon=",dlon 277 WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag, dlat=",dlat_loc 278 IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_sai-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_sai+dlat_loc .AND. & 222 279 & xlon(i).GE.xlon_sai-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_sai+dlon ) THEN 223 280 ! 224 PRINT *,'coordinates of SAI point=',xlat(i), xlon(i), day_cur, mth_cur, year_cur281 WRITE(lunout,*) 'coordinates of SAI point=',xlat(i), xlon(i), day_cur, mth_cur, year_cur 225 282 ! compute altLMDz 226 283 altLMDz(:)=0.0 … … 231 288 altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface 232 289 ENDDO 290 291 SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) 292 293 CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution 233 294 !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on Gaussian peak in altitude) 234 295 f_lay_sum=0.0 235 DO k=1, klev 236 f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 237 DO i_int=1, n_int_alt 238 alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 239 f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_sai)* & 240 & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_sai)/sigma_alt_sai)**2.)* & 241 & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 242 ENDDO 243 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 244 ENDDO 296 DO k=1, klev 297 f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 298 DO i_int=1, n_int_alt 299 alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 300 f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_sai)* & 301 & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_sai)/sigma_alt_sai)**2.)* & 302 & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 303 ENDDO 304 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 305 ENDDO 306 307 CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution 308 f_lay_sum=0.0 309 ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half 310 ! the height of the injection, centered around altemiss_sai 311 DO k=1, klev 312 f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_sai+sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k+1))- & 313 & max(altemiss_sai-sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_sai) 314 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 315 ENDDO 316 317 END SELECT ! Gaussian or uniform distribution 318 245 319 !correct for step integration error 246 320 f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum … … 249 323 DO k=1, klev 250 324 ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) 251 emission=m_aer_emiss_sai*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/ 360./86400.325 emission=m_aer_emiss_sai*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400. 252 326 tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys 253 327 budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol 254 328 ENDDO 329 255 330 ! !emission as monodisperse particles with 0.1um dry radius (BIN21) 256 331 ! !vertically distributed emission 257 332 ! DO k=1, klev 258 333 ! ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) 259 ! emission=m_aer_emiss*(mH2SO4mol/mSatom)/m_part_dry(21)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/360./86400 334 ! emission=m_aer_emiss*(mH2SO4mol/mSatom)/m_part_dry(21)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400 335 ! tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)=tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)+emission*pdtphys 336 ! budg_emi_part(i)=budg_emi_part(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mH2SO4mol 337 ! ENDDO 338 ENDIF ! emission grid cell 339 ENDDO ! klon loop 340 341 CASE(3) ! --- SAI injection over a single band of longitude and between 342 ! lat_min and lat_max 343 344 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag, dlon=',dlon 345 DO i=1,klon 346 ! SAI scenario with continuous emission 347 dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes 348 WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag, dlat = ',dlat_loc 349 theta_min = max(xlat(i)-dlat_loc,xlat_min_sai) 350 theta_max = min(xlat(i)+dlat_loc,xlat_max_sai) 351 IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_min_sai-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_max_sai+dlat_loc .AND. & 352 & xlon(i).GE.xlon_sai-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_sai+dlon ) THEN 353 ! 354 ! compute altLMDz 355 altLMDz(:)=0.0 356 DO k=1, klev 357 zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 358 zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg 359 zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m 360 altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface 361 ENDDO 362 363 SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) 364 365 CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution 366 !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on 367 !Gaussian peak in altitude) 368 f_lay_sum=0.0 369 DO k=1, klev 370 f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 371 DO i_int=1, n_int_alt 372 alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 373 f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_sai)* & 374 & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_sai)/sigma_alt_sai)**2.)* & 375 & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) 376 ENDDO 377 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 378 ENDDO 379 380 CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution 381 f_lay_sum=0.0 382 ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half 383 ! the height of the injection, centered around altemiss_sai 384 DO k=1, klev 385 f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_sai+sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k+1))- & 386 & max(altemiss_sai-sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_sai) 387 f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) 388 ENDDO 389 390 END SELECT ! Gaussian or uniform distribution 391 392 !correct for step integration error 393 f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum 394 !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) 395 !vertically distributed emission 396 DO k=1, klev 397 ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) 398 emission=m_aer_emiss_sai*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/ & 399 & year_len/86400.*(sin(theta_max/180.*RPI)-sin(theta_min/180.*RPI))/ & 400 & (sin(xlat_max_sai/180.*RPI)-sin(xlat_min_sai/180.*RPI)) 401 tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys 402 budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol 403 ENDDO 404 405 ! !emission as monodisperse particles with 0.1um dry radius (BIN21) 406 ! !vertically distributed emission 407 ! DO k=1, klev 408 ! ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) 409 ! emission=m_aer_emiss*(mH2SO4mol/mSatom)/m_part_dry(21)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400 260 410 ! tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)=tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)+emission*pdtphys 261 411 ! budg_emi_part(i)=budg_emi_part(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mH2SO4mol … … 291 441 IF (mdw(it) .LT. 2.5e-6) THEN 292 442 !surf_PM25_sulf(i)=surf_PM25_sulf(i)+tr_seri(i,1,it+nbtr_sulgas)*m_part(i,1,it) & 293 !assume that particles consist of ammonium sulfate at the surface (132g/mol) and are dry at T = 20 deg. C and 50 perc. humidity 443 !assume that particles consist of ammonium sulfate at the surface (132g/mol) 444 !and are dry at T = 20 deg. C and 50 perc. humidity 294 445 surf_PM25_sulf(i)=surf_PM25_sulf(i)+tr_seri(i,1,it+nbtr_sulgas) & 295 446 & *132./98.*dens_aer_dry*4./3.*RPI*(mdw(it)/2.)**3 & -
set to
r3408 r3525 18 18 iflag_ratqs,ratqsbas,ratqshaut,tau_ratqs, & 19 19 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan, aerosol_couple, & 20 chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, new_aod, & 20 chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, & 21 flag_aer_feedback, new_aod, & 21 22 flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1,& 22 23 read_climoz, & … … 30 31 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout 31 32 32 include "conema3.h" 33 include "fisrtilp.h" 34 include "nuage.h" 35 include "YOMCST.h" 36 include "YOMCST2.h" 37 38 include "thermcell.h" 39 33 INCLUDE "conema3.h" 34 INCLUDE "fisrtilp.h" 35 INCLUDE "nuage.h" 36 INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" 37 INCLUDE "YOMCST2.h" 38 INCLUDE "thermcell.h" 40 39 41 40 !IM : on inclut/initialise les taux de CH4, N2O, CFC11 et CFC12 42 include"clesphys.h"43 include"compbl.h"44 include"comsoil.h"45 include"YOEGWD.h"41 INCLUDE "clesphys.h" 42 INCLUDE "compbl.h" 43 INCLUDE "comsoil.h" 44 INCLUDE "YOEGWD.h" 46 45 ! 47 46 ! Configuration de la "physique" de LMDZ a l'aide de la fonction … … 49 48 ! 50 49 ! LF 05/2001 51 !52 53 50 ! 54 51 ! type_ocean: type d'ocean (force, slab, couple) … … 80 77 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol 81 78 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat 79 LOGICAL :: flag_aer_feedback 82 80 LOGICAL :: flag_bc_internal_mixture 83 81 LOGICAL :: new_aod … … 101 99 INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_aerosol_omp 102 100 INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_aerosol_strat_omp 101 LOGICAL, SAVE :: flag_aer_feedback_omp 103 102 LOGICAL, SAVE :: flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp 104 103 LOGICAL, SAVE :: new_aod_omp … … 1051 1050 ENDIF 1052 1051 1053 ! 1052 !Config Key = flag_aer_feedback 1053 !Config Desc = (des)activate aerosol radiative feedback 1054 ! - F = no aerosol radiative feedback 1055 ! - T = aerosol radiative feedback 1056 !Config Def = T 1057 !Config Help = Used in physiq.F 1058 ! 1059 flag_aer_feedback_omp = .TRUE. 1060 IF (iflag_rrtm_omp==1) THEN 1061 CALL getin('flag_aer_feedback',flag_aer_feedback_omp) 1062 ENDIF 1063 1054 1064 !Config Key = iflag_cld_th 1055 1065 !Config Desc = … … 2298 2308 flag_aerosol=flag_aerosol_omp 2299 2309 flag_aerosol_strat=flag_aerosol_strat_omp 2310 flag_aer_feedback=flag_aer_feedback_omp 2300 2311 flag_bc_internal_mixture=flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp 2301 2312 new_aod=new_aod_omp … … 2522 2533 !$OMP MASTER 2523 2534 2524 write(lunout,*)' ##############################################' 2525 write(lunout,*)' Configuration des parametres de la physique: ' 2526 write(lunout,*)' Type ocean = ', type_ocean 2527 write(lunout,*)' Version ocean = ', version_ocean 2528 write(lunout,*)' Config veget = ', ok_veget,type_veget 2529 write(lunout,*)' Snow model SISVAT : ok_snow = ', ok_snow 2530 write(lunout,*)' Config xml pour XIOS : ok_all_xml = ', ok_all_xml 2531 write(lunout,*)' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe 2532 write(lunout,*)' Sortie haute frequence = ', ok_hf 2533 write(lunout,*)' Sortie mensuelle = ', ok_mensuel 2534 write(lunout,*)' Sortie instantanee = ', ok_instan 2535 write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, freq_ISCCP =', freq_ISCCP 2536 write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP =', ecrit_ISCCP 2537 write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur COSP, freq_COSP =', freq_COSP 2538 write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur AIRS, freq_AIRS =', freq_AIRS 2539 write(lunout,*)' Sortie bilan d''energie, ip_ebil_phy =', ip_ebil_phy 2540 write(lunout,*)' Excentricite = ',R_ecc 2541 write(lunout,*)' Equinoxe = ',R_peri 2542 write(lunout,*)' Inclinaison =',R_incl 2543 write(lunout,*)' Constante solaire =',solaire 2544 write(lunout,*)' ok_suntime_rrtm =',ok_suntime_rrtm 2545 write(lunout,*)' co2_ppm =',co2_ppm 2546 write(lunout,*)' RCO2_act = ',RCO2_act 2547 write(lunout,*)' CH4_ppb =',CH4_ppb,' RCH4_act = ',RCH4_act 2548 write(lunout,*)' N2O_ppb =',N2O_ppb,' RN2O_act= ',RN2O_act 2549 write(lunout,*)' CFC11_ppt=',CFC11_ppt,' RCFC11_act= ',RCFC11_act 2550 write(lunout,*)' CFC12_ppt=',CFC12_ppt,' RCFC12_act= ',RCFC12_act 2551 write(lunout,*)' RCO2_per = ',RCO2_per,' RCH4_per = ', RCH4_per 2552 write(lunout,*)' RN2O_per = ',RN2O_per,' RCFC11_per = ', RCFC11_per 2553 write(lunout,*)' RCFC12_per = ',RCFC12_per 2554 write(lunout,*)' cvl_comp_threshold=', cvl_comp_threshold 2555 write(lunout,*)' cvl_sig2feed=', cvl_sig2feed 2556 write(lunout,*)' cvl_corr=', cvl_corr 2557 write(lunout,*)'ok_lic_melt=', ok_lic_melt 2558 write(lunout,*)'ok_lic_cond=', ok_lic_cond 2559 write(lunout,*)'iflag_cycle_diurne=',iflag_cycle_diurne 2560 write(lunout,*)'soil_model=',soil_model 2561 write(lunout,*)'new_oliq=',new_oliq 2562 write(lunout,*)'ok_orodr=',ok_orodr 2563 write(lunout,*)'ok_orolf=',ok_orolf 2564 write(lunout,*)'ok_limitvrai=',ok_limitvrai 2565 write(lunout,*)'nbapp_rad=',nbapp_rad 2566 write(lunout,*)'iflag_con=',iflag_con 2567 write(lunout,*)'nbapp_cv=',nbapp_cv 2568 write(lunout,*)'nbapp_wk=',nbapp_wk 2569 write(lunout,*)'iflag_ener_conserv=',iflag_ener_conserv 2570 write(lunout,*)'ok_conserv_q=',ok_conserv_q 2571 write(lunout,*)'iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat 2572 write(lunout,*)'iflag_bergeron=',iflag_bergeron 2573 write(lunout,*)' epmax = ', epmax 2574 write(lunout,*)' coef_epmax_cape = ', coef_epmax_cape 2575 write(lunout,*)' ok_adj_ema = ', ok_adj_ema 2576 write(lunout,*)' iflag_clw = ', iflag_clw 2577 write(lunout,*)' cld_lc_lsc = ', cld_lc_lsc 2578 write(lunout,*)' cld_lc_con = ', cld_lc_con 2579 write(lunout,*)' cld_tau_lsc = ', cld_tau_lsc 2580 write(lunout,*)' cld_tau_con = ', cld_tau_con 2581 write(lunout,*)' ffallv_lsc = ', ffallv_lsc 2582 write(lunout,*)' ffallv_con = ', ffallv_con 2583 write(lunout,*)' coef_eva = ', coef_eva 2584 write(lunout,*)' reevap_ice = ', reevap_ice 2585 write(lunout,*)' iflag_pdf = ', iflag_pdf 2586 write(lunout,*)' iflag_cld_th = ', iflag_cld_th 2587 write(lunout,*)' iflag_cld_cv = ', iflag_cld_cv 2588 write(lunout,*)' tau_cld_cv = ', tau_cld_cv 2589 write(lunout,*)' coefw_cld_cv = ', coefw_cld_cv 2590 write(lunout,*)' iflag_radia = ', iflag_radia 2591 write(lunout,*)' iflag_rrtm = ', iflag_rrtm 2592 write(lunout,*)' NSW = ', NSW 2593 write(lunout,*)' iflag_albedo = ', iflag_albedo !albedo SB 2594 write(lunout,*)' ok_chlorophyll =',ok_chlorophyll ! albedo SB 2595 write(lunout,*)' iflag_ratqs = ', iflag_ratqs 2596 write(lunout,*)' seuil_inversion = ', seuil_inversion 2597 write(lunout,*)' fact_cldcon = ', fact_cldcon 2598 write(lunout,*)' facttemps = ', facttemps 2599 write(lunout,*)' ok_newmicro = ',ok_newmicro 2600 write(lunout,*)' ratqsbas = ',ratqsbas 2601 write(lunout,*)' ratqshaut = ',ratqshaut 2602 write(lunout,*)' tau_ratqs = ',tau_ratqs 2603 write(lunout,*)' top_height = ',top_height 2604 write(lunout,*)' rad_froid = ',rad_froid 2605 write(lunout,*)' rad_chau1 = ',rad_chau1 2606 write(lunout,*)' rad_chau2 = ',rad_chau2 2607 write(lunout,*)' t_glace_min = ',t_glace_min 2608 write(lunout,*)' t_glace_max = ',t_glace_max 2609 write(lunout,*)' exposant_glace = ',exposant_glace 2610 write(lunout,*)' iflag_t_glace = ',iflag_t_glace 2611 write(lunout,*)' iflag_cloudth_vert = ',iflag_cloudth_vert 2612 write(lunout,*)' iflag_rain_incloud_vol = ',iflag_rain_incloud_vol 2613 write(lunout,*)' iflag_ice_thermo = ',iflag_ice_thermo 2614 write(lunout,*)' rei_min = ',rei_min 2615 write(lunout,*)' rei_max = ',rei_max 2616 write(lunout,*)' overlap = ',overlap 2617 write(lunout,*)' cdmmax = ',cdmmax 2618 write(lunout,*)' cdhmax = ',cdhmax 2619 write(lunout,*)' ksta = ',ksta 2620 write(lunout,*)' ksta_ter = ',ksta_ter 2621 write(lunout,*)' f_ri_cd_min = ',f_ri_cd_min 2622 write(lunout,*)' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin 2623 write(lunout,*)' pbl_lmixmin_alpha = ',pbl_lmixmin_alpha 2624 write(lunout,*)' fmagic = ',fmagic 2625 write(lunout,*)' pmagic = ',pmagic 2626 write(lunout,*)' ok_ade = ',ok_ade 2627 write(lunout,*)' ok_volcan = ',ok_volcan 2628 write(lunout,*)' ok_aie = ',ok_aie 2629 write(lunout,*)' ok_alw = ',ok_alw 2630 write(lunout,*)' aerosol_couple = ', aerosol_couple 2631 write(lunout,*)' chemistry_couple = ', chemistry_couple 2632 write(lunout,*)' flag_aerosol = ', flag_aerosol 2633 write(lunout,*)' flag_aerosol_strat= ', flag_aerosol_strat 2634 write(lunout,*)' new_aod = ', new_aod 2635 write(lunout,*)' aer_type = ',aer_type 2636 write(lunout,*)' bl95_b0 = ',bl95_b0 2637 write(lunout,*)' bl95_b1 = ',bl95_b1 2638 write(lunout,*)' lev_histhf = ',lev_histhf 2639 write(lunout,*)' lev_histday = ',lev_histday 2640 write(lunout,*)' lev_histmth = ',lev_histmth 2641 write(lunout,*)' lev_histins = ',lev_histins 2642 write(lunout,*)' lev_histLES = ',lev_histLES 2643 write(lunout,*)' lev_histdayNMC = ',lev_histdayNMC 2644 write(lunout,*)' levout_histNMC = ',levout_histNMC 2645 write(lunout,*)' ok_histNMC = ',ok_histNMC 2646 write(lunout,*)' freq_outNMC = ',freq_outNMC 2647 write(lunout,*)' freq_calNMC = ',freq_calNMC 2648 write(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl 2535 WRITE(lunout,*)' ##############################################' 2536 WRITE(lunout,*)' Configuration des parametres de la physique: ' 2537 WRITE(lunout,*)' Type ocean = ', type_ocean 2538 WRITE(lunout,*)' Version ocean = ', version_ocean 2539 WRITE(lunout,*)' Config veget = ', ok_veget,type_veget 2540 WRITE(lunout,*)' Snow model SISVAT : ok_snow = ', ok_snow 2541 WRITE(lunout,*)' Config xml pour XIOS : ok_all_xml = ', ok_all_xml 2542 WRITE(lunout,*)' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe 2543 WRITE(lunout,*)' Sortie haute frequence = ', ok_hf 2544 WRITE(lunout,*)' Sortie mensuelle = ', ok_mensuel 2545 WRITE(lunout,*)' Sortie instantanee = ', ok_instan 2546 WRITE(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, freq_ISCCP =', freq_ISCCP 2547 WRITE(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP =', ecrit_ISCCP 2548 WRITE(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur COSP, freq_COSP =', freq_COSP 2549 WRITE(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur AIRS, freq_AIRS =', freq_AIRS 2550 WRITE(lunout,*)' Sortie bilan d''energie, ip_ebil_phy =', ip_ebil_phy 2551 WRITE(lunout,*)' Excentricite = ',R_ecc 2552 WRITE(lunout,*)' Equinoxe = ',R_peri 2553 WRITE(lunout,*)' Inclinaison =',R_incl 2554 WRITE(lunout,*)' Constante solaire =',solaire 2555 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_suntime_rrtm =',ok_suntime_rrtm 2556 WRITE(lunout,*)' co2_ppm =',co2_ppm 2557 WRITE(lunout,*)' RCO2_act = ',RCO2_act 2558 WRITE(lunout,*)' CH4_ppb =',CH4_ppb,' RCH4_act = ',RCH4_act 2559 WRITE(lunout,*)' N2O_ppb =',N2O_ppb,' RN2O_act= ',RN2O_act 2560 WRITE(lunout,*)' CFC11_ppt=',CFC11_ppt,' RCFC11_act= ',RCFC11_act 2561 WRITE(lunout,*)' CFC12_ppt=',CFC12_ppt,' RCFC12_act= ',RCFC12_act 2562 WRITE(lunout,*)' RCO2_per = ',RCO2_per,' RCH4_per = ', RCH4_per 2563 WRITE(lunout,*)' RN2O_per = ',RN2O_per,' RCFC11_per = ', RCFC11_per 2564 WRITE(lunout,*)' RCFC12_per = ',RCFC12_per 2565 WRITE(lunout,*)' cvl_comp_threshold=', cvl_comp_threshold 2566 WRITE(lunout,*)' cvl_sig2feed=', cvl_sig2feed 2567 WRITE(lunout,*)' cvl_corr=', cvl_corr 2568 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_lic_melt=', ok_lic_melt 2569 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_lic_cond=', ok_lic_cond 2570 WRITE(lunout,*)'iflag_cycle_diurne=',iflag_cycle_diurne 2571 WRITE(lunout,*)'soil_model=',soil_model 2572 WRITE(lunout,*)'new_oliq=',new_oliq 2573 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_orodr=',ok_orodr 2574 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_orolf=',ok_orolf 2575 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_limitvrai=',ok_limitvrai 2576 WRITE(lunout,*)'nbapp_rad=',nbapp_rad 2577 WRITE(lunout,*)'iflag_con=',iflag_con 2578 WRITE(lunout,*)'nbapp_cv=',nbapp_cv 2579 WRITE(lunout,*)'nbapp_wk=',nbapp_wk 2580 WRITE(lunout,*)'iflag_ener_conserv=',iflag_ener_conserv 2581 WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_conserv_q=',ok_conserv_q 2582 WRITE(lunout,*)'iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat 2583 WRITE(lunout,*)'iflag_bergeron=',iflag_bergeron 2584 WRITE(lunout,*)' epmax = ', epmax 2585 WRITE(lunout,*)' coef_epmax_cape = ', coef_epmax_cape 2586 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_adj_ema = ', ok_adj_ema 2587 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_clw = ', iflag_clw 2588 WRITE(lunout,*)' cld_lc_lsc = ', cld_lc_lsc 2589 WRITE(lunout,*)' cld_lc_con = ', cld_lc_con 2590 WRITE(lunout,*)' cld_tau_lsc = ', cld_tau_lsc 2591 WRITE(lunout,*)' cld_tau_con = ', cld_tau_con 2592 WRITE(lunout,*)' ffallv_lsc = ', ffallv_lsc 2593 WRITE(lunout,*)' ffallv_con = ', ffallv_con 2594 WRITE(lunout,*)' coef_eva = ', coef_eva 2595 WRITE(lunout,*)' reevap_ice = ', reevap_ice 2596 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_pdf = ', iflag_pdf 2597 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_cld_th = ', iflag_cld_th 2598 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_cld_cv = ', iflag_cld_cv 2599 WRITE(lunout,*)' tau_cld_cv = ', tau_cld_cv 2600 WRITE(lunout,*)' coefw_cld_cv = ', coefw_cld_cv 2601 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_radia = ', iflag_radia 2602 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_rrtm = ', iflag_rrtm 2603 WRITE(lunout,*)' NSW = ', NSW 2604 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_albedo = ', iflag_albedo !albedo SB 2605 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_chlorophyll =',ok_chlorophyll ! albedo SB 2606 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_ratqs = ', iflag_ratqs 2607 WRITE(lunout,*)' seuil_inversion = ', seuil_inversion 2608 WRITE(lunout,*)' fact_cldcon = ', fact_cldcon 2609 WRITE(lunout,*)' facttemps = ', facttemps 2610 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_newmicro = ',ok_newmicro 2611 WRITE(lunout,*)' ratqsbas = ',ratqsbas 2612 WRITE(lunout,*)' ratqshaut = ',ratqshaut 2613 WRITE(lunout,*)' tau_ratqs = ',tau_ratqs 2614 WRITE(lunout,*)' top_height = ',top_height 2615 WRITE(lunout,*)' rad_froid = ',rad_froid 2616 WRITE(lunout,*)' rad_chau1 = ',rad_chau1 2617 WRITE(lunout,*)' rad_chau2 = ',rad_chau2 2618 WRITE(lunout,*)' t_glace_min = ',t_glace_min 2619 WRITE(lunout,*)' t_glace_max = ',t_glace_max 2620 WRITE(lunout,*)' exposant_glace = ',exposant_glace 2621 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_t_glace = ',iflag_t_glace 2622 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_cloudth_vert = ',iflag_cloudth_vert 2623 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_rain_incloud_vol = ',iflag_rain_incloud_vol 2624 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_ice_thermo = ',iflag_ice_thermo 2625 WRITE(lunout,*)' rei_min = ',rei_min 2626 WRITE(lunout,*)' rei_max = ',rei_max 2627 WRITE(lunout,*)' overlap = ',overlap 2628 WRITE(lunout,*)' cdmmax = ',cdmmax 2629 WRITE(lunout,*)' cdhmax = ',cdhmax 2630 WRITE(lunout,*)' ksta = ',ksta 2631 WRITE(lunout,*)' ksta_ter = ',ksta_ter 2632 WRITE(lunout,*)' f_ri_cd_min = ',f_ri_cd_min 2633 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin 2634 WRITE(lunout,*)' pbl_lmixmin_alpha = ',pbl_lmixmin_alpha 2635 WRITE(lunout,*)' fmagic = ',fmagic 2636 WRITE(lunout,*)' pmagic = ',pmagic 2637 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_ade = ',ok_ade 2638 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_volcan = ',ok_volcan 2639 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_aie = ',ok_aie 2640 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_alw = ',ok_alw 2641 WRITE(lunout,*)' aerosol_couple = ', aerosol_couple 2642 WRITE(lunout,*)' chemistry_couple = ', chemistry_couple 2643 WRITE(lunout,*)' flag_aerosol = ', flag_aerosol 2644 WRITE(lunout,*)' flag_aerosol_strat= ', flag_aerosol_strat 2645 WRITE(lunout,*) ' flag_aer_feedback= ', flag_aer_feedback 2646 WRITE(lunout,*)' new_aod = ', new_aod 2647 WRITE(lunout,*)' aer_type = ',aer_type 2648 WRITE(lunout,*)' bl95_b0 = ',bl95_b0 2649 WRITE(lunout,*)' bl95_b1 = ',bl95_b1 2650 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histhf = ',lev_histhf 2651 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histday = ',lev_histday 2652 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histmth = ',lev_histmth 2653 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histins = ',lev_histins 2654 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histLES = ',lev_histLES 2655 WRITE(lunout,*)' lev_histdayNMC = ',lev_histdayNMC 2656 WRITE(lunout,*)' levout_histNMC = ',levout_histNMC 2657 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_histNMC = ',ok_histNMC 2658 WRITE(lunout,*)' freq_outNMC = ',freq_outNMC 2659 WRITE(lunout,*)' freq_calNMC = ',freq_calNMC 2660 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl 2649 2661 !FC 2650 write(lunout,*)' ifl_pbltree = ', ifl_pbltree2651 write(lunout,*)' Cd_frein = ', Cd_frein2652 write(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl_split = ', iflag_pbl_split2653 write(lunout,*)' iflag_order2_sollw = ', iflag_order2_sollw2654 write(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals = ', iflag_thermals2655 write(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_ed = ', iflag_thermals_ed2656 write(lunout,*)' fact_thermals_ed_dz = ', fact_thermals_ed_dz2657 write(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_optflux = ', iflag_thermals_optflux2658 write(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_closure = ', iflag_thermals_closure2659 write(lunout,*)' iflag_clos = ', iflag_clos2660 write(lunout,*)' coef_clos_ls = ', coef_clos_ls2661 write(lunout,*)' type_run = ',type_run2662 write(lunout,*)' ok_cosp = ',ok_cosp2663 write(lunout,*)' ok_airs = ',ok_airs2664 2665 write(lunout,*)' ok_mensuelCOSP = ',ok_mensuelCOSP2666 write(lunout,*)' ok_journeCOSP = ',ok_journeCOSP2667 write(lunout,*)' ok_hfCOSP =',ok_hfCOSP2668 write(lunout,*)' solarlong0 = ', solarlong02669 write(lunout,*)' qsol0 = ', qsol02670 write(lunout,*)' evap0 = ', evap02671 write(lunout,*)' albsno0 = ', albsno02672 write(lunout,*)' iflag_sic = ', iflag_sic2673 write(lunout,*)' inertie_sol = ', inertie_sol2674 write(lunout,*)' inertie_sic = ', inertie_sic2675 write(lunout,*)' inertie_lic = ', inertie_lic2676 write(lunout,*)' inertie_sno = ', inertie_sno2677 write(lunout,*)' f_cdrag_ter = ',f_cdrag_ter2678 write(lunout,*)' f_cdrag_oce = ',f_cdrag_oce2679 write(lunout,*)' f_rugoro = ',f_rugoro2680 write(lunout,*)' z0min = ',z0min2681 write(lunout,*)' supcrit1 = ', supcrit12682 write(lunout,*)' supcrit2 = ', supcrit22683 write(lunout,*)' iflag_mix = ', iflag_mix2684 write(lunout,*)' iflag_mix_adiab = ', iflag_mix_adiab2685 write(lunout,*)' scut = ', scut2686 write(lunout,*)' qqa1 = ', qqa12687 write(lunout,*)' qqa2 = ', qqa22688 write(lunout,*)' gammas = ', gammas2689 write(lunout,*)' Fmax = ', Fmax2690 write(lunout,*)' tmax_fonte_cv = ', tmax_fonte_cv2691 write(lunout,*)' alphas = ', alphas2692 write(lunout,*)' iflag_wake = ', iflag_wake2693 write(lunout,*)' alp_offset = ', alp_offset2662 WRITE(lunout,*)' ifl_pbltree = ', ifl_pbltree 2663 WRITE(lunout,*)' Cd_frein = ', Cd_frein 2664 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl_split = ', iflag_pbl_split 2665 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_order2_sollw = ', iflag_order2_sollw 2666 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals = ', iflag_thermals 2667 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_ed = ', iflag_thermals_ed 2668 WRITE(lunout,*)' fact_thermals_ed_dz = ', fact_thermals_ed_dz 2669 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_optflux = ', iflag_thermals_optflux 2670 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_closure = ', iflag_thermals_closure 2671 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_clos = ', iflag_clos 2672 WRITE(lunout,*)' coef_clos_ls = ', coef_clos_ls 2673 WRITE(lunout,*)' type_run = ',type_run 2674 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_cosp = ',ok_cosp 2675 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_airs = ',ok_airs 2676 2677 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_mensuelCOSP = ',ok_mensuelCOSP 2678 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_journeCOSP = ',ok_journeCOSP 2679 WRITE(lunout,*)' ok_hfCOSP =',ok_hfCOSP 2680 WRITE(lunout,*)' solarlong0 = ', solarlong0 2681 WRITE(lunout,*)' qsol0 = ', qsol0 2682 WRITE(lunout,*)' evap0 = ', evap0 2683 WRITE(lunout,*)' albsno0 = ', albsno0 2684 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_sic = ', iflag_sic 2685 WRITE(lunout,*)' inertie_sol = ', inertie_sol 2686 WRITE(lunout,*)' inertie_sic = ', inertie_sic 2687 WRITE(lunout,*)' inertie_lic = ', inertie_lic 2688 WRITE(lunout,*)' inertie_sno = ', inertie_sno 2689 WRITE(lunout,*)' f_cdrag_ter = ',f_cdrag_ter 2690 WRITE(lunout,*)' f_cdrag_oce = ',f_cdrag_oce 2691 WRITE(lunout,*)' f_rugoro = ',f_rugoro 2692 WRITE(lunout,*)' z0min = ',z0min 2693 WRITE(lunout,*)' supcrit1 = ', supcrit1 2694 WRITE(lunout,*)' supcrit2 = ', supcrit2 2695 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_mix = ', iflag_mix 2696 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_mix_adiab = ', iflag_mix_adiab 2697 WRITE(lunout,*)' scut = ', scut 2698 WRITE(lunout,*)' qqa1 = ', qqa1 2699 WRITE(lunout,*)' qqa2 = ', qqa2 2700 WRITE(lunout,*)' gammas = ', gammas 2701 WRITE(lunout,*)' Fmax = ', Fmax 2702 WRITE(lunout,*)' tmax_fonte_cv = ', tmax_fonte_cv 2703 WRITE(lunout,*)' alphas = ', alphas 2704 WRITE(lunout,*)' iflag_wake = ', iflag_wake 2705 WRITE(lunout,*)' alp_offset = ', alp_offset 2694 2706 ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 2695 write(lunout,*)' iflag_trig_bl = ', iflag_trig_bl2696 write(lunout,*)' s_trig = ', s_trig2697 write(lunout,*)' tau_trig_shallow = ', tau_trig_shallow2698 write(lunout,*)' tau_trig_deep = ', tau_trig_deep2699 write(lunout,*)' iflag_clos_bl = ', iflag_clos_bl2707 WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_trig_bl = ', iflag_trig_bl 2708 WRITE(lunout,*) ' s_trig = ', s_trig 2709 WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_trig_shallow = ', tau_trig_shallow 2710 WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_trig_deep = ', tau_trig_deep 2711 WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_clos_bl = ', iflag_clos_bl 2700 2712 ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 2701 2713 2702 write(lunout,*)' lonmin lonmax latmin latmax bilKP_ins =',&2714 WRITE(lunout,*) ' lonmin lonmax latmin latmax bilKP_ins =',& 2703 2715 lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins 2704 write(lunout,*)' ecrit_ hf, ins, day, mth, reg, tra, ISCCP, LES',&2716 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ecrit_ hf, ins, day, mth, reg, tra, ISCCP, LES',& 2705 2717 ecrit_hf, ecrit_ins, ecrit_day, ecrit_mth, ecrit_reg, ecrit_tra, ecrit_ISCCP, ecrit_LES 2706 2718 2707 write(lunout,*) 'ok_strato = ', ok_strato2708 write(lunout,*) 'ok_hines = ', ok_hines2709 write(lunout,*) 'ok_gwd_rando = ', ok_gwd_rando2710 write(lunout,*) 'ok_qch4 = ', ok_qch42711 write(lunout,*) 'gwd_rando_ruwmax = ', gwd_rando_ruwmax2712 write(lunout,*) 'gwd_rando_sat = ', gwd_rando_sat2713 write(lunout,*) 'gwd_front_ruwmax = ', gwd_front_ruwmax2714 write(lunout,*) 'gwd_front_sat = ', gwd_front_sat2715 write(lunout,*) 'SSO gkdrag =',gkdrag2716 write(lunout,*) 'SSO grahilo=',grahilo2717 write(lunout,*) 'SSO grcrit=',grcrit2718 write(lunout,*) 'SSO gfrcrit=',gfrcrit2719 write(lunout,*) 'SSO gkwake=',gkwake2720 write(lunout,*) 'SSO gklift=',gklift2721 write(lunout,*) 'adjust_tropopause = ', adjust_tropopause2722 write(lunout,*) 'ok_daily_climoz = ',ok_daily_climoz2723 write(lunout,*) 'read_climoz = ', read_climoz2724 write(lunout,*) 'carbon_cycle_tr = ', carbon_cycle_tr2725 write(lunout,*) 'carbon_cycle_cpl = ', carbon_cycle_cpl2719 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_strato = ', ok_strato 2720 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_hines = ', ok_hines 2721 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_gwd_rando = ', ok_gwd_rando 2722 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_qch4 = ', ok_qch4 2723 WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_rando_ruwmax = ', gwd_rando_ruwmax 2724 WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_rando_sat = ', gwd_rando_sat 2725 WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_front_ruwmax = ', gwd_front_ruwmax 2726 WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_front_sat = ', gwd_front_sat 2727 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gkdrag =',gkdrag 2728 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO grahilo=',grahilo 2729 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO grcrit=',grcrit 2730 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gfrcrit=',gfrcrit 2731 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gkwake=',gkwake 2732 WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gklift=',gklift 2733 WRITE(lunout,*) ' adjust_tropopause = ', adjust_tropopause 2734 WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_daily_climoz = ',ok_daily_climoz 2735 WRITE(lunout,*) ' read_climoz = ', read_climoz 2736 WRITE(lunout,*) ' carbon_cycle_tr = ', carbon_cycle_tr 2737 WRITE(lunout,*) ' carbon_cycle_cpl = ', carbon_cycle_cpl 2726 2738 2727 2739 !$OMP END MASTER -
r3521 r3525 1067 1067 INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_aerosol_strat 1068 1068 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flag_aerosol_strat) 1069 ! 1070 !--INTERACTIVE AEROSOL FEEDBACK ON RADIATION 1071 LOGICAL, SAVE :: flag_aer_feedback 1072 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flag_aer_feedback) 1073 1069 1074 !c-fin STRAT AEROSOL 1070 1075 ! … … 1234 1239 iflag_cld_th,iflag_ratqs,ratqsbas,ratqshaut,tau_ratqs, & 1235 1240 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan, aerosol_couple, & 1236 chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, new_aod, & 1241 chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, & 1242 flag_aer_feedback, new_aod, & 1237 1243 flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1, & 1238 1244 ! nv flags pour la convection et les … … 3908 3914 cldfrarad, cldemirad, cldtaurad, & 3909 3915 ok_ade.OR.flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0, ok_aie, ok_volcan, & 3910 flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, &3916 flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, flag_aer_feedback, & 3911 3917 tau_aero, piz_aero, cg_aero, & 3912 3918 tau_aero_sw_rrtm, piz_aero_sw_rrtm, cg_aero_sw_rrtm, & … … 3994 4000 cldfrarad, cldemirad, cldtaurad, & 3995 4001 ok_ade.OR.flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0, ok_aie, ok_volcan, & 3996 flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, &4002 flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, flag_aer_feedback, & 3997 4003 tau_aero, piz_aero, cg_aero, & 3998 4004 tau_aero_sw_rrtm, piz_aero_sw_rrtm, cg_aero_sw_rrtm, & … … 4873 4879 dryaod_diag=.FALSE. 4874 4880 ok_4xCO2atm= .FALSE. 4881 ! write (lunout,*)'ok_4xCO2atm= ',swaero_diag, swaerofree_diag, dryaod_diag, ok_4xCO2atm 4875 4882 4876 4883 IF (is_master) then … … 4911 4918 call bcast(dryaod_diag) 4912 4919 call bcast(ok_4xCO2atm) 4920 ! write (lunout,*)'ok_4xCO2atm= ',swaero_diag, swaerofree_diag, dryaod_diag, ok_4xCO2atm 4913 4921 #endif 4914 4922 endif -
r3426 r3525 17 17 cldfra, cldemi, cldtaupd,& 18 18 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, flag_aerosol,& 19 flag_aerosol_strat, &19 flag_aerosol_strat, flag_aer_feedback, & 20 20 tau_aero, piz_aero, cg_aero,& 21 21 tau_aero_sw_rrtm, piz_aero_sw_rrtm, cg_aero_sw_rrtm,& ! rajoute par OB pour RRTM … … 104 104 ! flag_aerosol-input-I- aerosol flag from 0 to 6 105 105 ! flag_aerosol_strat-input-I- use stratospheric aerosols flag (0, 1, 2) 106 ! flag_aer_feedback-input-I- activate aerosol radiative feedback (T, F) 106 107 ! tau_ae, piz_ae, cg_ae-input-R- aerosol optical properties (calculated in aeropt.F) 107 108 ! cldtaupi-input-R- epaisseur optique des nuages dans le visible … … 201 202 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: flag_aerosol ! takes value 0 (no aerosol) or 1 to 6 (aerosols) 202 203 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: flag_aerosol_strat ! use stratospheric aerosols 204 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: flag_aer_feedback ! activate aerosol radiative feedback 203 205 REAL, INTENT(in) :: cldfra(KLON,KLEV), cldemi(KLON,KLEV), cldtaupd(KLON,KLEV) 204 206 REAL, INTENT(in) :: tau_aero(KLON,KLEV,naero_grp,2) ! aerosol optical properties (see aeropt.F) … … 873 875 ZTOPLWAIAERO,ZSOLLWAIAERO, & 874 876 ZLWADAERO, & !--NL 875 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, flag_aerosol,flag_aerosol_strat) ! flags aerosols 877 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, flag_aerosol,flag_aerosol_strat, & 878 flag_aer_feedback) ! flags aerosols 876 879 877 880 ! print *,'RADLWSW: apres RECMWF' -
r3408 r3525 37 37 & PLWADAERO,& !--NL 38 38 !..end 39 & ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, flag_aerosol,flag_aerosol_strat )39 & ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, flag_aerosol,flag_aerosol_strat,flag_aer_feedback) 40 40 !--fin 41 41 … … 87 87 ! flag_aerosol-input-I- aerosol flag from 0 to 7 88 88 ! flag_aerosol_strat-input-I- use stratospheric aerosols flag (T/F) 89 ! flag_aer_feedback-input-I- use aerosols radiative effect flag (T/F) 89 90 ! PPIZA_NAT : (KPROMA,KLEV,NSW); Single scattering albedo of natural aerosol 90 91 ! PCGA_NAT : (KPROMA,KLEV,NSW); Assymetry factor for natural aerosol … … 218 219 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: flag_aerosol ! takes value 0 (no aerosol) or 1 to 6 (aerosols) 219 220 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: flag_aerosol_strat ! use stratospheric aerosols 220 REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(OUT) :: PTOPSWADAERO(KPROMA), PSOLSWADAERO(KPROMA) ! Aerosol direct forcing at TOA and surface 221 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: flag_aer_feedback ! use aerosols radiative feedback 222 REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(out) :: PTOPSWADAERO(KPROMA), PSOLSWADAERO(KPROMA) ! Aerosol direct forcing at TOA and surface 221 223 REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(OUT) :: PTOPSWAD0AERO(KPROMA), PSOLSWAD0AERO(KPROMA) ! Aerosol direct forcing at TOA and surface 222 224 REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(OUT) :: PTOPSWAIAERO(KPROMA), PSOLSWAIAERO(KPROMA) ! ditto, indirect … … 305 307 ! FALSE: fluxes use no aerosols (case 1) 306 308 ! to be used only for maintaining bit reproducibility with aerosol diagnostics activated 307 LOGICAL :: AEROSOLFEEDBACK_ACTIVE = .TRUE. 309 LOGICAL :: AEROSOLFEEDBACK_ACTIVE ! now externalized from .def files 308 310 309 311 !OB - Fluxes including aerosol effects … … 342 344 IBEG=KST 343 345 IEND=KEND 346 347 AEROSOLFEEDBACK_ACTIVE = flag_aer_feedback !NL: externalize aer feedback 348 344 349 345 350 !* 1. PREPARATORY WORK
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