1 | ! |
2 | ! $Id: traccoag_mod.F90 3529 2019-05-30 14:21:47Z lguez $ |
3 | ! |
4 | MODULE traccoag_mod |
5 | ! |
6 | ! This module calculates the concentration of aerosol particles in certain size bins |
7 | ! considering coagulation and sedimentation. |
8 | ! |
10 | |
11 | SUBROUTINE traccoag(pdtphys, gmtime, debutphy, julien, & |
12 | presnivs, xlat, xlon, pphis, pphi, & |
13 | t_seri, pplay, paprs, sh, rh, tr_seri) |
14 | |
15 | USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: mdw, R2SO4, DENSO4, f_r_wet, surf_PM25_sulf, & |
16 | & budg_emi_ocs, budg_emi_so2, budg_emi_h2so4, budg_emi_part |
17 | |
18 | USE dimphy |
19 | USE infotrac |
20 | USE aerophys |
21 | USE geometry_mod, ONLY : cell_area, boundslat |
22 | USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz |
23 | USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY : is_mpi_root |
24 | USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, only: gather, scatter |
25 | USE phys_cal_mod |
26 | USE sulfate_aer_mod |
27 | USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: stratomask |
29 | USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout |
30 | USE strataer_mod |
31 | USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY : year_len |
32 | |
34 | |
35 | ! Input argument |
36 | !--------------- |
37 | REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys ! Pas d'integration pour la physique (seconde) |
38 | REAL,INTENT(IN) :: gmtime ! Heure courante |
39 | LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: debutphy ! le flag de l'initialisation de la physique |
40 | INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: julien ! Jour julien |
41 | |
42 | REAL,DIMENSION(klev),INTENT(IN) :: presnivs! pressions approximat. des milieux couches (en PA) |
43 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: xlat ! latitudes pour chaque point |
44 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: xlon ! longitudes pour chaque point |
45 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: pphis ! geopotentiel du sol |
46 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pphi ! geopotentiel de chaque couche |
47 | |
48 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! Temperature |
49 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa) |
50 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev+1),INTENT(IN) :: paprs ! pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa) |
51 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: sh ! humidite specifique |
52 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: rh ! humidite relative |
53 | |
54 | ! Output argument |
55 | !---------------- |
56 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr),INTENT(INOUT) :: tr_seri ! Concentration Traceur [U/KgA] |
57 | |
58 | ! Local variables |
59 | !---------------- |
60 | REAL :: m_aer_emiss_vol_daily ! daily injection mass emission |
61 | INTEGER :: it, k, i, ilon, ilev, itime, i_int, ieru |
62 | LOGICAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: is_strato ! true = above tropopause, false = below |
63 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: m_air_gridbox ! mass of air in every grid box [kg] |
64 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon_glo,klev,nbtr) :: tr_seri_glo ! Concentration Traceur [U/KgA] |
65 | REAL,DIMENSION(klev+1) :: altLMDz ! altitude of layer interfaces in m |
66 | REAL,DIMENSION(klev) :: f_lay_emiss ! fraction of emission for every vertical layer |
67 | REAL :: f_lay_sum ! sum of layer emission fractions |
68 | REAL :: alt ! altitude for integral calculation |
69 | INTEGER,PARAMETER :: n_int_alt=10 ! number of subintervals for integration over Gaussian emission profile |
70 | REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: r_bin ! particle radius in size bin [m] |
71 | REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: r_lower ! particle radius at lower bin boundary [m] |
72 | REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: r_upper ! particle radius at upper bin boundary [m] |
73 | REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: m_part_dry ! mass of one dry particle in size bin [kg] |
74 | REAL :: zrho ! Density of air [kg/m3] |
75 | REAL :: zdz ! thickness of atm. model layer in m |
76 | REAL,DIMENSION(klev) :: zdm ! mass of atm. model layer in kg |
77 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: dens_aer ! density of aerosol particles [kg/m3 aerosol] with default H2SO4 mass fraction |
78 | REAL :: emission ! emission |
79 | REAL :: theta_min, theta_max ! for SAI computation between two latitudes |
80 | REAL :: dlat_loc |
81 | |
82 | IF (is_mpi_root) THEN |
83 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'in traccoag: date from phys_cal_mod =',year_cur,'-',mth_cur,'-',day_cur,'-',hour |
84 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag flag_sulf_emit: ',flag_sulf_emit |
85 | ENDIF |
86 | |
87 | DO it=1, nbtr_bin |
88 | r_bin(it)=mdw(it)/2. |
89 | ENDDO |
90 | |
91 | !--set boundaries of size bins |
92 | DO it=1, nbtr_bin |
93 | IF (it.EQ.1) THEN |
94 | r_upper(it)=sqrt(r_bin(it+1)*r_bin(it)) |
95 | r_lower(it)=r_bin(it)**2./r_upper(it) |
96 | ELSEIF (it.EQ.nbtr_bin) THEN |
97 | r_lower(it)=sqrt(r_bin(it)*r_bin(it-1)) |
98 | r_upper(it)=r_bin(it)**2./r_lower(it) |
99 | ELSE |
100 | r_lower(it)=sqrt(r_bin(it)*r_bin(it-1)) |
101 | r_upper(it)=sqrt(r_bin(it+1)*r_bin(it)) |
102 | ENDIF |
103 | ENDDO |
104 | |
105 | IF (debutphy .and. is_mpi_root) THEN |
106 | DO it=1, nbtr_bin |
107 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'radius bin', it, ':', r_bin(it), '(from', r_lower(it), 'to', r_upper(it), ')' |
108 | ENDDO |
109 | ENDIF |
110 | |
111 | !--initialising logical is_strato from stratomask |
112 | is_strato(:,:)=.FALSE. |
113 | WHERE (stratomask.GT.0.5) is_strato=.TRUE. |
114 | |
115 | ! STRACOMP (H2O, P, t_seri -> aerosol composition (R2SO4)) |
116 | ! H2SO4 mass fraction in aerosol (%) |
117 | CALL stracomp(sh,t_seri,pplay) |
118 | |
119 | ! aerosol density (gr/cm3) |
120 | CALL denh2sa(t_seri) |
121 | |
122 | ! compute factor for converting dry to wet radius (for every grid box) |
123 | f_r_wet(:,:) = (dens_aer_dry/(DENSO4(:,:)*1000.)/(R2SO4(:,:)/100.))**(1./3.) |
124 | |
125 | !--calculate mass of air in every grid box |
126 | DO ilon=1, klon |
127 | DO ilev=1, klev |
128 | m_air_gridbox(ilon,ilev)=(paprs(ilon,ilev)-paprs(ilon,ilev+1))/RG*cell_area(ilon) |
129 | ENDDO |
130 | ENDDO |
131 | |
132 | ! IF (debutphy) THEN |
133 | ! CALL gather(tr_seri, tr_seri_glo) |
134 | ! IF (MAXVAL(tr_seri_glo).LT.1.e-30) THEN |
135 | !--initialising tracer concentrations to zero |
136 | ! DO it=1, nbtr |
137 | ! tr_seri(:,:,it)=0.0 |
138 | ! ENDDO |
139 | ! ENDIF |
140 | ! ENDIF |
141 | |
142 | !--initialise emission diagnostics |
143 | budg_emi_ocs(:)=0.0 |
144 | budg_emi_so2(:)=0.0 |
145 | budg_emi_h2so4(:)=0.0 |
146 | budg_emi_part(:)=0.0 |
147 | |
148 | !--sulfur emission, depending on chosen scenario (flag_sulf_emit) |
149 | SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit) |
150 | |
151 | CASE(0) ! background aerosol |
152 | ! do nothing (no emission) |
153 | |
154 | CASE(1) ! volcanic eruption |
155 | !--only emit on day of eruption |
156 | ! stretch emission over one day of Pinatubo eruption |
157 | DO ieru=1, nErupt |
158 | IF (year_cur==year_emit_vol(ieru).AND.mth_cur==mth_emit_vol(ieru).AND.& |
159 | day_cur>=day_emit_vol(ieru).AND.day_cur<(day_emit_vol(ieru)+injdur)) THEN |
160 | ! |
161 | ! daily injection mass emission - NL |
162 | m_aer_emiss_vol_daily = m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru)/(REAL(injdur)*REAL(ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru))) |
163 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag DD m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru)=',m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru), & |
164 | 'ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru)=',ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru),'(injdur*ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru))', & |
165 | (injdur*ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru)),'m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=',m_aer_emiss_vol_daily,'ieru=',ieru |
166 | DO i=1,klon |
167 | !Pinatubo eruption at 15.14N, 120.35E |
168 | dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes |
169 | IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_min_vol(ieru)-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_max_vol(ieru)+dlat_loc .AND. & |
170 | xlon(i).GE.xlon_min_vol(ieru)-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_max_vol(ieru)+dlon ) THEN |
171 | ! |
172 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'coordinates of volcanic injection point=',xlat(i),xlon(i),day_cur,mth_cur,year_cur |
173 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'DD m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=',m_aer_emiss_vol_daily |
174 | ! compute altLMDz |
175 | altLMDz(:)=0.0 |
176 | DO k=1, klev |
177 | zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 |
178 | zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg |
179 | zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m |
180 | altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface |
181 | ENDDO |
182 | |
183 | SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) |
184 | |
185 | CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution |
186 | !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on Gaussian peak in altitude) |
187 | f_lay_sum=0.0 |
188 | DO k=1, klev |
189 | f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 |
190 | DO i_int=1, n_int_alt |
191 | alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
192 | f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_vol(ieru))* & |
193 | & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_vol(ieru))/sigma_alt_vol(ieru))**2.)* & |
194 | & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
195 | ENDDO |
196 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
197 | ENDDO |
198 | |
199 | CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution |
200 | ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half the |
201 | ! height of the injection, centered around altemiss_vol(ieru) |
202 | DO k=1, klev |
203 | f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_vol(ieru)+sigma_alt_vol(ieru),altLMDz(k+1))- & |
204 | & max(altemiss_vol(ieru)-sigma_alt_vol(ieru),altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_vol(ieru)) |
205 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
206 | ENDDO |
207 | |
208 | END SELECT ! End CASE over flag_sulf_emit_distrib) |
209 | |
210 | WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag m_aer_emiss_vol=",m_aer_emiss_vol(ieru) |
211 | WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag f_lay_emiss=",f_lay_emiss |
212 | !correct for step integration error |
213 | f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum |
214 | !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) |
215 | !vertically distributed emission |
216 | DO k=1, klev |
217 | ! stretch emission over one day of Pinatubo eruption |
218 | emission=m_aer_emiss_vol_daily*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/1./(86400.-pdtphys) |
219 | tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys |
220 | budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol |
221 | ENDDO |
222 | ENDIF ! emission grid cell |
223 | ENDDO ! klon loop |
224 | WRITE(lunout,*) "IN traccoag (ieru=",ieru,") m_aer_emiss_vol_daily=",m_aer_emiss_vol_daily |
225 | ENDIF ! emission period |
226 | ENDDO ! eruption number |
227 | |
228 | CASE(2) ! stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI) |
229 | ! |
230 | DO i=1,klon |
231 | ! SAI standard scenario with continuous emission from 1 grid point at the equator |
232 | ! SAI emission on single month |
233 | ! SAI continuous emission o |
234 | dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes |
235 | IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_sai-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_sai+dlat_loc .AND. & |
236 | & xlon(i).GE.xlon_sai-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_sai+dlon ) THEN |
237 | ! |
238 | ! compute altLMDz |
239 | altLMDz(:)=0.0 |
240 | DO k=1, klev |
241 | zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 |
242 | zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg |
243 | zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m |
244 | altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface |
245 | ENDDO |
246 | |
247 | SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) |
248 | |
249 | CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution |
250 | !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on Gaussian peak in altitude) |
251 | f_lay_sum=0.0 |
252 | DO k=1, klev |
253 | f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 |
254 | DO i_int=1, n_int_alt |
255 | alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
256 | f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_sai)* & |
257 | & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_sai)/sigma_alt_sai)**2.)* & |
258 | & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
259 | ENDDO |
260 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
261 | ENDDO |
262 | |
263 | CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution |
264 | f_lay_sum=0.0 |
265 | ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half |
266 | ! the height of the injection, centered around altemiss_sai |
267 | DO k=1, klev |
268 | f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_sai+sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k+1))- & |
269 | & max(altemiss_sai-sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_sai) |
270 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
271 | ENDDO |
272 | |
273 | END SELECT ! Gaussian or uniform distribution |
274 | |
275 | !correct for step integration error |
276 | f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum |
277 | !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) |
278 | !vertically distributed emission |
279 | DO k=1, klev |
280 | ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) |
281 | emission=m_aer_emiss_sai*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400. |
282 | tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys |
283 | budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol |
284 | ENDDO |
285 | |
286 | ! !emission as monodisperse particles with 0.1um dry radius (BIN21) |
287 | ! !vertically distributed emission |
288 | ! DO k=1, klev |
289 | ! ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) |
290 | ! emission=m_aer_emiss*(mH2SO4mol/mSatom)/m_part_dry(21)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400 |
291 | ! tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)=tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)+emission*pdtphys |
292 | ! budg_emi_part(i)=budg_emi_part(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mH2SO4mol |
293 | ! ENDDO |
294 | ENDIF ! emission grid cell |
295 | ENDDO ! klon loop |
296 | |
297 | CASE(3) ! --- SAI injection over a single band of longitude and between |
298 | ! lat_min and lat_max |
299 | |
300 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN traccoag, dlon=',dlon |
301 | DO i=1,klon |
302 | ! SAI scenario with continuous emission |
303 | dlat_loc=180./RPI/2.*(boundslat(i,1)-boundslat(i,3)) ! dlat = half difference of boundary latitudes |
304 | theta_min = max(xlat(i)-dlat_loc,xlat_min_sai) |
305 | theta_max = min(xlat(i)+dlat_loc,xlat_max_sai) |
306 | IF ( xlat(i).GE.xlat_min_sai-dlat_loc .AND. xlat(i).LT.xlat_max_sai+dlat_loc .AND. & |
307 | & xlon(i).GE.xlon_sai-dlon .AND. xlon(i).LT.xlon_sai+dlon ) THEN |
308 | ! |
309 | ! compute altLMDz |
310 | altLMDz(:)=0.0 |
311 | DO k=1, klev |
312 | zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 |
313 | zdm(k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG !mass of layer in kg |
314 | zdz=zdm(k)/zrho !thickness of layer in m |
315 | altLMDz(k+1)=altLMDz(k)+zdz !altitude of interface |
316 | ENDDO |
317 | |
318 | SELECT CASE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) |
319 | |
320 | CASE(0) ! Gaussian distribution |
321 | !compute distribution of emission to vertical model layers (based on |
322 | !Gaussian peak in altitude) |
323 | f_lay_sum=0.0 |
324 | DO k=1, klev |
325 | f_lay_emiss(k)=0.0 |
326 | DO i_int=1, n_int_alt |
327 | alt=altLMDz(k)+float(i_int)*(altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
328 | f_lay_emiss(k)=f_lay_emiss(k)+1./(sqrt(2.*RPI)*sigma_alt_sai)* & |
329 | & exp(-0.5*((alt-altemiss_sai)/sigma_alt_sai)**2.)* & |
330 | & (altLMDz(k+1)-altLMDz(k))/float(n_int_alt) |
331 | ENDDO |
332 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
333 | ENDDO |
334 | |
335 | CASE(1) ! Uniform distribution |
336 | f_lay_sum=0.0 |
337 | ! In this case, parameter sigma_alt_vol(ieru) is considered to be half |
338 | ! the height of the injection, centered around altemiss_sai |
339 | DO k=1, klev |
340 | f_lay_emiss(k)=max(min(altemiss_sai+sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k+1))- & |
341 | & max(altemiss_sai-sigma_alt_sai,altLMDz(k)),0.)/(2.*sigma_alt_sai) |
342 | f_lay_sum=f_lay_sum+f_lay_emiss(k) |
343 | ENDDO |
344 | |
345 | END SELECT ! Gaussian or uniform distribution |
346 | |
347 | !correct for step integration error |
348 | f_lay_emiss(:)=f_lay_emiss(:)/f_lay_sum |
349 | !emission as SO2 gas (with m(SO2)=64/32*m_aer_emiss) |
350 | !vertically distributed emission |
351 | DO k=1, klev |
352 | ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) |
353 | emission=m_aer_emiss_sai*(mSO2mol/mSatom)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/ & |
354 | & year_len/86400.*(sin(theta_max/180.*RPI)-sin(theta_min/180.*RPI))/ & |
355 | & (sin(xlat_max_sai/180.*RPI)-sin(xlat_min_sai/180.*RPI)) |
356 | tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)=tr_seri(i,k,id_SO2_strat)+emission*pdtphys |
357 | budg_emi_so2(i)=budg_emi_so2(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mSO2mol |
358 | ENDDO |
359 | |
360 | ! !emission as monodisperse particles with 0.1um dry radius (BIN21) |
361 | ! !vertically distributed emission |
362 | ! DO k=1, klev |
363 | ! ! stretch emission over whole year (360d) |
364 | ! emission=m_aer_emiss*(mH2SO4mol/mSatom)/m_part_dry(21)/m_air_gridbox(i,k)*f_lay_emiss(k)/year_len/86400 |
365 | ! tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)=tr_seri(i,k,id_BIN01_strat+20)+emission*pdtphys |
366 | ! budg_emi_part(i)=budg_emi_part(i)+emission*zdm(k)*mSatom/mH2SO4mol |
367 | ! ENDDO |
368 | ENDIF ! emission grid cell |
369 | ENDDO ! klon loop |
370 | |
371 | END SELECT ! emission scenario (flag_sulf_emit) |
372 | |
373 | !--read background concentrations of OCS and SO2 and lifetimes from input file |
374 | !--update the variables defined in phys_local_var_mod |
375 | CALL interp_sulf_input(debutphy,pdtphys,paprs,tr_seri) |
376 | |
377 | !--convert OCS to SO2 in the stratosphere |
378 | CALL ocs_to_so2(pdtphys,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,paprs,is_strato) |
379 | |
380 | !--convert SO2 to H2SO4 |
381 | CALL so2_to_h2so4(pdtphys,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,paprs,is_strato) |
382 | |
383 | !--common routine for nucleation and condensation/evaporation with adaptive timestep |
384 | CALL micphy_tstep(pdtphys,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,paprs,rh,is_strato) |
385 | |
386 | !--call coagulation routine |
387 | CALL coagulate(pdtphys,mdw,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,dens_aer,is_strato) |
388 | |
389 | !--call sedimentation routine |
390 | CALL aer_sedimnt(pdtphys, t_seri, pplay, paprs, tr_seri, dens_aer) |
391 | |
392 | !--compute mass concentration of PM2.5 sulfate particles (wet diameter and mass) at the surface for health studies |
393 | surf_PM25_sulf(:)=0.0 |
394 | DO i=1,klon |
395 | DO it=1, nbtr_bin |
396 | IF (mdw(it) .LT. 2.5e-6) THEN |
397 | !surf_PM25_sulf(i)=surf_PM25_sulf(i)+tr_seri(i,1,it+nbtr_sulgas)*m_part(i,1,it) & |
398 | !assume that particles consist of ammonium sulfate at the surface (132g/mol) |
399 | !and are dry at T = 20 deg. C and 50 perc. humidity |
400 | surf_PM25_sulf(i)=surf_PM25_sulf(i)+tr_seri(i,1,it+nbtr_sulgas) & |
401 | & *132./98.*dens_aer_dry*4./3.*RPI*(mdw(it)/2.)**3 & |
402 | & *pplay(i,1)/t_seri(i,1)/RD*1.e9 |
403 | ENDIF |
404 | ENDDO |
405 | ENDDO |
406 | |
407 | ! CALL minmaxsimple(tr_seri(:,:,id_SO2_strat),0.0,0.0,'fin SO2') |
408 | ! DO it=1, nbtr_bin |
409 | ! CALL minmaxsimple(tr_seri(:,:,nbtr_sulgas+it),0.0,0.0,'fin bin ') |
410 | ! ENDDO |
411 | |
412 | END SUBROUTINE traccoag |
413 | |
414 | END MODULE traccoag_mod |