source: LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/solarlong.F90 @ 2101

Last change on this file since 2101 was 1992, checked in by lguez, 11 years ago

Converted to free source form files in libf/phylmd which were still in
fixed source form. The conversion was done using the polish mode of
the NAG Fortran Compiler.

In addition to converting to free source form, the processing of the
files also:

-- indented the code (including comments);

-- set Fortran keywords to uppercase, and set all other identifiers
to lower case;

-- added qualifiers to end statements (for example "end subroutine
conflx", instead of "end");

-- changed the terminating statements of all DO loops so that each
loop ends with an ENDDO statement (instead of a labeled continue).

-- replaced #include by include.

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
File size: 3.3 KB
[1992]1SUBROUTINE solarlong(pday, psollong, pdist_sol)
[1992]3  USE ioipsl
[1992]7  ! =======================================================================
[1992]9  ! Objet:
10  ! ------
[1992]12  ! Calcul de la distance soleil-planete et de la declinaison
13  ! en fonction du jour de l'annee.
[1992]16  ! Methode:
17  ! --------
[1992]19  ! Calcul complet de l'elipse
[1992]21  ! Interface:
22  ! ----------
[1992]24  ! Uncommon comprenant les parametres orbitaux.
[1992]26  ! Arguments:
27  ! ----------
[1992]29  ! Input:
30  ! ------
31  ! pday          jour de l'annee (le jour 0 correspondant a l'equinoxe)
32  ! lwrite        clef logique pour sorties de controle
[1992]34  ! Output:
35  ! -------
36  ! pdist_sol     distance entre le soleil et la planete
37  ! ( en unite astronomique pour utiliser la constante
38  ! solaire terrestre 1370 Wm-2 )
39  ! pdecli        declinaison ( en radians )
[1992]41  ! =======================================================================
42  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
43  ! Declarations:
44  ! -------------
[1992]46  include "planete.h"
47  include "YOMCST.h"
48  include 'iniprint.h'
[1992]50  ! arguments:
51  ! ----------
[1992]53  REAL pday, pdist_sol, pdecli, psollong
54  LOGICAL lwrite
[1992]56  ! Local:
57  ! ------
[1992]59  REAL zanom, xref, zx0, zdx, zteta, zz, pi
60  INTEGER iter
61  REAL :: pyear_day, pperi_day
62  REAL :: jd_eq, jd_peri
63  LOGICAL, SAVE :: first = .TRUE.
[1992]66  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
67  ! calcul de l'angle polaire et de la distance au soleil :
68  ! -------------------------------------------------------
[1992]70  ! Initialisation eventuelle:
71  IF (first) THEN
72    CALL ioget_calendar(pyear_day)
73    CALL ymds2ju(2000, 3, 21, 0., jd_eq)
74    CALL ymds2ju(2001, 1, 4, 0., jd_peri)
75    pperi_day = jd_peri - jd_eq
76    pperi_day = r_peri + 180.
77    WRITE (lunout, *) ' Number of days in a year = ', pyear_day
78    ! call iniorbit(249.22,206.66,669.,485.,25.2)
79    CALL iniorbit(152.59, 146.61, pyear_day, pperi_day, r_incl)
80    first = .FALSE.
81  END IF
[1992]83  ! calcul de l'zanomalie moyenne
[1992]85  zz = (pday-peri_day)/year_day
86  pi = 2.*asin(1.)
87  zanom = 2.*pi*(zz-nint(zz))
88  xref = abs(zanom)
90  ! resolution de l'equation horaire  zx0 - e * sin (zx0) = xref
91  ! methode de Newton
93  ! zx0=xref+e_elips*sin(xref)
94  zx0 = xref + r_ecc*sin(xref)
95  DO iter = 1, 10
96    ! zdx=-(zx0-e_elips*sin(zx0)-xref)/(1.-e_elips*cos(zx0))
97    zdx = -(zx0-r_ecc*sin(zx0)-xref)/(1.-r_ecc*cos(zx0))
98    IF (abs(zdx)<=(1.E-7)) GO TO 120
99    zx0 = zx0 + zdx
100  END DO
102  zx0 = zx0 + zdx
103  IF (zanom<0.) zx0 = -zx0
105  ! zteta est la longitude solaire
107  ! zteta=2.*atan(sqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))*tan(zx0/2.))
108  zteta = 2.*atan(sqrt((1.+r_ecc)/(1.-r_ecc))*tan(zx0/2.))
110  psollong = zteta - timeperi
112  IF (psollong<0.) psollong = psollong + 2.*pi
113  IF (psollong>2.*pi) psollong = psollong - 2.*pi
115  psollong = psollong*180./pi
117  ! distance soleil
119  pdist_sol = (1-r_ecc*r_ecc)/(1+r_ecc*cos(pi/180.*(psollong- &
120    (r_peri+180.0))))
121  ! pdist_sol = (1-e_elips*e_elips)
122  ! &      /(1+e_elips*COS(pi/180.*(psollong-(R_peri+180.0))))
123  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
124  ! sorties eventuelles:
125  ! ---------------------
127  ! IF (lwrite) THEN
128  ! PRINT*,'jour de l"annee   :',pday
129  ! PRINT*,'distance au soleil (en unite astronomique) :',pdist_sol
130  ! PRINT*,'declinaison (en degres) :',pdecli*180./pi
131  ! ENDIF
134END SUBROUTINE solarlong
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